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Borderline disorder?

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ha haha haha


indeed there are many varying degrees of BPD and it can be kind of a catch all diagnosis but there are some constants..or unconstants as the case maybe


either way it was difficult for me to live with... but I did for almost 20 years.

he could not control his rages and my daughter asked not to live with him anymore so i finally left.




Have you been diagnosed or is it your ex?

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i'm kind of wondering if my ex had something like bpd but he (as far as I know) didn't threaten suicide.. when i tell people the story of what happened they say it's really confusing. very confusing. i love him, i do, but i wish he didn't have to be that way. he needs help.

i'm worried about him, very worried. but if i say anything, i'm sure he'll get very angry.

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I can recommend

"walking on eggshells"

A good book about living with BPD

BPD can be ambiguous with a broad range of symptoms.


I also believe BPD's are made not born. There maybe a predisposition to certain tendencies but childhood abuse usually figures into it.

When my ex and I began discovery there was not a lot of info and there is still not. It's confusing.

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ha haha haha


indeed there are many varying degrees of BPD and it can be kind of a catch all diagnosis but there are some constants..or unconstants as the case maybe


either way it was difficult for me to live with... but I did for almost 20 years.

he could not control his rages and my daughter asked not to live with him anymore so i finally left.




Have you been diagnosed or is it your ex?


I have been recently, but not serious like the anger or rage, more horrible abandonment issues, mood swings, Could be hereditary, as my mom amd dad had problems or maladaptive behaviors throughout my life has brought this on.

it's sad, I am a loving sweet person. Actually my ex acted more pyscho than me at times, prob cause i drove him to it. Who knows. I dont have fits of rage, i just cry and so emotional. Fear of loss is a huge thing for me. Very hard

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You didn't drive him to it- sometimes we are matched by our pathologies. abandonment issues are hard, my recent ex had some of the same tendencies we are discussing here so that's 2 for me, what does that say?


anyway, do some research, We never found that meds helped him all that much but he was resistant anyway, and often not compliant when trying something new.

I'm sorry you seem so sad I know you having problems with a breakup. Hang in there.

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Thanks, I am going through a horrible break up I mean the most painful thing I can remember. Which validates my fear of abandonment once again. I feel like I'm living in a vicious circle. My ex was my best friend. I just wanted him to understand me, stick by me, love me. Wanted him to know that I know I hurt him, but it was NEVER cause of anything he did. It was my fears. I'm just so down, don't know how to get out of this hole. It's pretty sad.

theonethatiwant....What happened with your ex? did u break up because of this??

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yes we did, my ex husband anyway.


My current ex it certainly was a huge part of it but he dumped me because he couldn't figure out how to do it.


with my ex husband were together for 16 years+ he was a pathalogical liar, an addict, tons of risk taking behavior, lucid dreams mostly of being killed or injured from which he would wake up in a rage, anger mangement and on and on. And believe it or not he was extremely high functioning, charming handsome, like Manny brought up, BPD varies considerably.


I would guess that right now you are suffering from situational depression which is normal after a hurtful breakup but it is exasperated by your other issues.

Are you seeing a therapist or a psychiatrist?

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I dated this guy who told me he is BPD. We have a great time together. We just started dating. Out of blue he told me he want us to slow down. I don't know why but I felt for him and care for him very much. Especially he told me his BPD. He hasn't call me or text me and I miss him so much. I try to called him but he wouldn't asnwer his phone, reply to email.

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So you've got the honorary pins now, eh, istilluvu and manny


I was diagnosed over a year ago, while getting treatment for PTSD. Quite common for those two to get intertwined.


Have made a lot of improvement, so I do believe there is a lot of hope and lot that can be done.


No meds, only a lot of sessionswith my psychiatrist, life style changes, and a lot of work.



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The worst part that I was thinking about is hurting people we love because of this. I am feeling angry and outraged, cause I did'nt ask for this. My life could have been so different.

I have finally let go of my hate of my mother last year, for what she did to me. But I have kept alot in through the years and I am pissed cause it feels like my life is ruined. My ex meant the world to me, now he's gone. Cause of what? We don't deserve to be like this. I dont know just ranting tonite.

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