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I am interetsted on hearing people's different desires re: intimacy in friendship/relationship.


I've sometimes wanted to sleep with people, be very close, share close space, but not wanted anything sexual. But it seems it's hard to get this kind of intimacy with someone unless you're sexually involved with them first.



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i agree that would be difficult.


if i was your friend, and also in a relationship with someone else, then that level of intimacy would be inappropriate. i can just imagine the reaction upon saying to my g/f "i'm going to sleep in lucy's bed with her tonight dear, i wont have sex with her, is that ok?"


and if i was single and spent the night in your bed i would almost certainly get aroused unless i found you unattractive.


so your scenario is a complicated one. i hope you find it though, good luck!

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I think it all depends on the people. I have been in a position like that. When my parents kicked me out, I went to live with a friend of mine. And there was always an attraction there, but taking that I had just got out of a relationship, I wasn't thinking about sex and neither was he. After a while, I started to develop feelings for him and him the same, but since things were going so well already, and since I was bleeding half the time, sex wasn't an issue. He wouldn't even try and touch me or anything in my sleep. I think you both just have to have an understanding and be mature enough to handle being in that type of situation. Starting out as friends and talking about this in the beginning and coming to an agreement, and understanding that agreement is key.

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