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How do I ask for her phone number?


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You're all aware of mt situation, so I'll be brief: Me and Gr9 girl. Friendly terms. She knows I like her, knows I want to get together with her. She's more comfortable in large groups of people than just one other person. I'm a little uncertain as to whether she's interested back or not.


Okay, now my problem: Since notes, phone, and e-mail are out of the question for asking out said girl, and I feel I need practice talking to her before I can really have a normal conversation with her face-to-face, I would like to speak with her over the phone a bit. Only problem is, I don't know her phone number, and I'm not gonna go and find out "somehow" if you know what I mean - I don't want to freak her out by knowing things about her she hasn't told me. So, how do I ask her for her phone number?

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If she knows you like her then time is precariously short. Do it right away. Also, if a girl is interested in you, this should be an easy process. If it becomes difficult at all you can safely assume she is not interested. As in if you try to get her number and she makes excuses, or if you invite her out on a date yet for some reason (no matter the excuse) it becomes a chore to set it up...

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Present subtle clues that show interest. If they are returned, you know the task will be easy.


If both of you are not in the same vicinity often enough to establish this, be direct and ask if she is interested in spending some time together. If the answer is yes, phone numbers will naturally be exchanged.


good luck.

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