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Possible warning signs?


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I am a little concerned... you're all aware of my situation with the gr9, so I'll skip the details. Bottom line, I'm always the one who says hi first, and then she answers... I'm always the one who says "have a good weekend" to which she responds " you too"... are these signs that she's not really interested? Is this normal? Am I being completely overly sensitive about these things? I have never gotten this far with a girl before, stupid as it sounds, so I know absolutely NOTHING.

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With the guy I'm into, I had to say everything first too for a long little while, the other day, I hadn't seen him for a couple of days, and then when I did I just said "Hi." and left it at that, then he must have wondered why I wasn't speaking to him, because at school he came and sat with me and talked up a storm.


Just play hard to get a couple days and see what happens.

Even if she's still too shy to talk, she'll wonder. And wondering is good.

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