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I miss him so much, how do I deal with this?

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A few months ago I broke up with my long-time boyfriend because things were not going right, and it just hurt me to see us falling apart, remembering how close we once were. It has been so much harder than I ever expected it to be.


Over the past few months and weeks, we've kind of been on again off again, which I've learned can be very cofusing and hurtful. I'm trying my very hardest to not contact him, and I haven't for almost one month now. He's tried calling and texting me, but he isn't putting too much effort forth. I'm just in between deciding if I want to get over him, or let us have a go again. Right now I'm just trying to live my life.


I don't know how long I should go without speaking to him, I'm afraid if I talk to him too soon again, now just doesn't seem like the right time to contact him, I'm not sure he deserves it or would appreciate it as much as he should, yet I'm also afraid that if I wait too long, I just wouldn't know what to say to him, so I just wouldn't bother talking to him ever again. I still love him, and he tells me he still loves me, and that I shouldn't be a stranger in his life. I'm just so torn apart that I don't know how to deal with what it is I need to do.


Any suggestions? Thank you for your time and consideration on reading my problem.

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I think whether you contact him or not at this point depends upon whether you "over" him. By "over" him I mean that when you talk to him you don't get upset or emotional or have any other strong feeling for him.


I have gone through a similar experience and found that it was counter-productive to the healing process to stay in contact with my ex. The reason for this was that it would bring up the same feelings that I had before and set-back the healing process.


Is your only consideration for his feelings and you are completely over him and would feeling comfortable talking with him as just a friend? If it is then yes perhaps you should contact him, BUT if talking to him is going to set you (or both of you back) then it isn't such a good idea.


I noticed your comment that you were just trying to "live my life". If that means your life, without him being a part of it at the moment, then I don't think you should contact him until you feel comfortable to talk to him.

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My situation is the same as yours l haven't talked to my ex in 2 and half months, now it's got to a point where l feel like l can't talk to her anymore because l fear we've both had to move on and try to forget about each other. lt truly breaks my heart to think that l probably won't ever talk to her again in the way we always used to.

I miss her everyday l think about her always but l know we will never get back together she was something that happened.

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It's difficult to remain friends with sumone that you are completely in love with,...and it will be even more paiful, to reach out to him, and he doesn't respond, or show no signs of making an attempt to contact you, when its as simple as picking up the phone just to say, "hello"...to bring a smile on ur face and make ur heart melt for the rest of the day...


As hard as it sounds,...which is even more painful to do, it may be best to just stop contacting him altogether, since he seemed to have moved on. Forcing yourself to move away from a love that once made you see life thru a rose colored glass, can bring you many tears and sleepless nights but, I personally wouldn't like to look foolish by persuing a man that clearly isn't interested, or has moved on elsewhere...





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