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They Always Seem To Call When You Forget....

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Just recently I have been thinking alot about how during my weeks and months of no contact its been rare occasion to receive calls but its only after I really start moving on and not constantly thinking about my EX when they call me to try starting over or try seeing what Im up too. I just got out of a serious 4 year relationship and every day is getting easier to cope with the feelings of loneliness and depression but it just feels like when I used to sit around wishing for the Ex to call I would never hear from them but only once I forgot they contact me and I get those butterflies and knots in my stomach pretty much having to start from scratch...Does anyone else feel the same way...just wondering what your thoughts are on the subject. I truly believe that once you break up with a BF/GF and you make the decision to have NC for good you should really stick to your guns because your avoiding alot more heartache if things dont work out again.

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So true ... thats why I changed my phone numbers, email and deleted msn from my computer. It seemed like just at about the point when I wasn't thinking about my ex every day I would get some kind of contact from her. Even though I didn't answer in most cases just seeing her name on the caller I.D. or in an email gave me that same "knots in the stomach" feeling. I just got sick and tired of feeling that way and made all the changes, informed my friends and family and I am glad I did it. If there is ever contact with her again it will be when I am healed and completely over her and not before.

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She does this to me every 2 weeks.


Whenever I get my weekend to go out she texts me that she had a "bad dream" about me and asks if I am ok.


I can probably set my watch to when I get these texts. Always Fridays, and always just as I am about to go out and have fun. And its always when she is not on my mind.


Its as if she has radar and knows when I am semi happy and ready to meet someone new. And yep, it ruins my entire weekends as I end up thinking of her the rest of it. She is happy and in love, why wont she let me be happy and in love?


So frustrating.

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Can you block a text message? If so, you should try it.


I would love to have my number changed. And do total and complete NC. But we have a daughter together. I have to answer her calls and read her texts because it may have something to do with our daughter.


So yea, im kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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