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*Just the two of us*

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Haven't posted in a while. Can't believe it's almost a year since my divorce was final.... Time heals the soul, but it's what you do with your time that matters the most.


For the first time in over 2 years my son and I had went on our own vacation to the beach. I accomplished one thing - driving more than 3 hours - 7 hours in fact! At times it was sad to hear my son ask "why are those boys with their family"... All I could do was to reassure him that he was still a family no matter what... that would NEVER change.


We had a blast, running on the beach, hand in hand, swinging him around in circles, stopping, and then trying to both walk in a straight line. LOL We would sit on our balcony and watch the sun rise in the morning and walk along the shore before dusk at night. Wonderful precious moments that I'm sure he will remember... I know I will...


Despite being single mom we still had fun in the sun. There is a new world out there even if you have to travel it alone!


Heard this song that sums up everything for us.. Will Smith - Just the two of us.

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When my ex left (4yr ago) I was not just totally on my own raising an 18mo old but had to deal with my ex who ALWAYS caused my son so much stress that we ended up 10 steps back from where we were. My son is in the autistic spectrum and my ex made sure that any progress that was made was more than undone with a visit with him. Ughhhh....


I was determined to be there for my son no matter what and the first thing we did was take a vacation together (4 days but the best 4 days.)


My son was 18 months so that meant hauling the portable crib, diapers, toys, stroler, portable DVD player and DVD's, etc, etc. It was an 8 hour drive - and yes single mothers do it best! Driving and changing DVDs at the same time without taking an eye off the road!


It was wonderful - yes I was exhausted hauling all that crap myself but it was the best 4 days of our lives! Luckily almost all we wanted to do was in walking distance of the hotel and our days and nights were lovely!


The next spring we did DisneyWorld all on our own - 2 day drive and all that baby paraphanalia! It was wonderful and will never be forgotten!


The best part is - I did this on my own. These are things my son will remember when he is older. Despite the hell my ex continues to put me through he cannot damper my spirit - I totally believe he'll get whats coming to him.... We all just have to be patient.


I'm so glad you enjoyed this time with your son! There will be many more moments like this and all so worth it!

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