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Please help!!! Depressed Christian! I loved her! She left...

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It is SUPER tuff,


where to start...




It has been over for 2 and half (coming on 3 months) with my ex.


I FELL in LOVE with her, but I was depressed and tired. There is SO MUCH to this situation that I cannot finish. The details ARE that she found herself NOT LVING me ENOUGH and CARING enough to see me through this time in my life and decided to END our relationship...


I LOVED HER SO MUCH I didn't want to see her go!



We have JUST recently started emailing stuff back and forth, SHE'D LIKE to be friends, but NOTHING MORE. She has ALREADY MOVED ON to ANOTHER BOYFRIEND and it is cutting my heart out...


I helped her find Christ, and I just REALLY HOPE that is ENOUGH to say that was purpose through God...


But I CANNOT tell you ALL how much I have cried and HOW REALLY SERIOUS this situation is...










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It's a little tough to relate because you aren't supplying much information. However, it sounds like you two were both at a lowpoint and needed someone to help you through it. Unfortunately, that's not a very solid foundation for a lasting relationship. Once you are back on your feet (in this case she was back on her feet, through a new faith), you are no longer bonded by your pain, and the "real you" becomes of paramount importance. Apparently, she did not feel the relationship was right for her. I'll add, however, that it's good riddance to her. She has jumped into the arms of another man already? She sounds too unstable and flighty, and she's certainly not a reliable mate for you. Better to be rid of her.

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