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Can someone explain something to me?

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Right I've been friends with this girl for 2 and a half years and we have become good friends, but within the last year she's changed she's become popular with the men and is considered very pretty and all my male friends fancy her so I can't talk to anyone. Alone I can talk to her fine it's with other people around she changes her attitude towards me. Anyway she invited me up her house the other day to stay the night (in a plutonic way in separate beds) and then ever since I've seen her at school or talked to her online she's been nothing but bitchy or ignoring me or seemed angry at me. And it's not as though I've done anything wrong, she's always been temperamental, she can go from playful messing around to moody for no reason. Basically to put it quite simply I'm kind of tired of being her emotional punch bag, because that's what I feel like, what's weird is she tells me things she doesn't tell anyone but then she acts like this, when I tried to confront her about it she said I always take everything she says the wrong way or literally and I pointed out that she never tells anyone why she angry with them in the first place so you have to second guess if she's jokeing or not. But when they change from laughing and smiling and huging you to making a point of saying hello to everyone but you or even noteing your there then well................I don't know any help, have I done something.........?



It's only over the last 6 months that she's been acting weird. Personally I'm kind of tired of it all but I can't escape her because all my friends are infatuated with her and seem to think the sun shines out of her ass (pardon the crude expression). I don't know I feel alone because I can't really trust anybody or talk to anyone and if I try to talk to her she'll get even more angry at me..........

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Sounds like its time to do a "friend purge". She makes you feel bad, ignores you, doesn't spend time with you, dumps her anger on you. Gee with friends like that who needs enemies?


If she's not even willing to tell you whats going on, send her on her way. Go get a better friend who actually gives instead of just takes. Maybe she'll come to her senses and talk to you. And if not, you're way better off without her.


Friends are supposed to be GOOD things!

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can't blame the girl. ugly ducking just discovered she's genetically a swan


just tell her you're hurt when she no longer gives you preferential friend treatment cos she's so busy with the other boys.


friends should compromise. support her new-found popularity, and ask her to remember the good times and to always reserve some of her time for you.

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