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how I can go about asking her out tomorrow at school

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I am just getting to know a girl that is a sophmore in high school and I am a junior. Her cousin told her I like her, and I have talked to her jsut a little bit in the halls but for like an hour and a half online because our schedules at school don't work out too well. I went to one of her volley-ball games last wednesday because she said her team keeps doing terrible and when I got there, I was absoultly the only student there let alone guy, along with only about 15 parents, everyone later showed up for the varsity game. When I talk to her in the halls, she smiles at me and seems to enjoy our short conversations, and her cousin said she is extremely shy, and that I am the first guy that she knows of to like her cousin. Here's where I need the help - Her cousin invited a friend and another girl tomorrow night out for ice cream to try and hook them up for a turnabout dance. The guy asked the cousin if I could come along and she told him "absolutely!" and they both said it would be really cute if she brought her cousin along, the one I like. They agreed, and the guy told the girl to ask the person I like if she can come, and she said "no way am I gonna call her, I never even do anything with her and she would be embarrassed if she knew he (that being me) was coming along!" Then she told me if I wanted her cousin to come along, I would have to ask herout myself. So I agreed with some hesitation, and am planning on asking her tomorrow if she wants to come. The thing is, she is extremely shy, and I don't want to seem to forward with it after knowing her for only a few weeks, but it would help if she could come, because we would get about an hour to talk to each other and get to know each other better. I need tons of advice on how I can go about this asking her out tomorrow at school Help!!

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just ask! don't fret about it! if she says no, big deal, she said no. maybe she just doesn't feel like going out right now, it doesn't have anythign 2 do with you. maybe she really, really wants to say yes but is a little scared. but you should definitely ask, because honestly, what is the worst that can happen?

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Well, I asked her today, and when I did, she gave me the 'deer in the headlights' look and said "Tonight??" and I said yeah, its at 8:00 (we moved it from 7:00 to 8:00) and she said, "I can't I have a volleyball game" and then walked away, and as she did I said, "OK, maybe some other time then..." and I got no response. Her volleyball game is at 4:30 and I also found out that she asked a guy next to her locker to the turnabout dance (I don't know if she likes him or they are just going as friends), so I feel bad now. I am picking up her cousin still, and going, so while her cousin is hooking the two other people up for the turnabout thing, I have nobody. I have never been asked to it even though all of my other friends have, and I just thought she might want to go along tonight just for fun or as friends. Her cousin was going to talk to her about it, but I never heard what the outcome was. I like her so much even though I don't know her that well, and she usually smiles when I go up to her locker, but today she didn't, she just gave me a blank look. I feel bad.

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omg what a loser! (her, not you) i am personally not that b****y so i would never do that to you, and i'm not good friends with anyone who would. please don't be sad, or mad, or anything, because i promise that there is someone out there who would die to go anywhere with you, you just have to figure out who it is!


but yeah, i've got the deer-in headlights look (lol, i love your phrasing) from a couple guys i tried to talk to... now that i think about it. but i usually forget about the incident as soon as it happens. just thinking forward, not dwelling on the past, that how i stay alive. hakuna matata works sometimes...


also u will still have a lot of fun at the dance if u stop worrying about it and just look forward to it. you never know what's goign to happen.

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thats what i thought about the first big dance, so i skipped it. (it was saturday, and i also didn't ahve a date or even a possible date)i turns out that i could have found a group of just people to go with and would have had a blast, even if half of them were in couples, because one of my other friends did this. i regret not going so much, i could just die. but you know what? its over, and i'll know better for next time. and don't let that happen 2 u, regretting not going. but if u REALLY don't want to go, don't say that because everything will be about couples, because isn't a very good reason.

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She is usually very friendly, but, should I just apologize to her sometime for "kinda hitting her out of the blue with asking her to go with", because I am not sure how she feels about it, and I don't know how to go about this, because I don't know any of her 'close' friends, so I can't really talk to them about it, but I can talk to her cousin who is always friendly no matter what. Maybe she can talk to her, what do you think?

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i can't see why ur still on about this girl! you asked her a reasonable request, and she didn't have any right to act like she did. you should not be apologizing to her, she should be apologizing to you! possibly what you could possibly do is ask her cousin 2 ask the girl why she said no, but i doubt u'll get a very successful answer.

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One of the problems that I think I did, was instead of asking her in the morning when we have plenty of time (25 min.) I asked her between classes when she is usually in a hurry, and I kinda caught her right as she was leaving her locker about a min. before the bell was gonna ring, so I think I asked her at a bad time. She is usually very friendly and smiles when I talk to her at the end of the day or something, so I think I should have asked her then or something, what do you think?

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Also with it being a Monday night, a school night with homework and stuff, I myself had problems convincing my parents to let me go in the first place, but we never went last night fortunately because on of the people coming, had her grandparents over to celebrate her birthday, just tell me what you think if you can please...

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the timing when u asked probably doesn't have anything to do with it, she could have said, 'wait ask me later, i've gotta go'. and she didn't say "no, i can't, i ahve homework" she said "i have a volleyball game" when her volleyball game was at a different time.


but yeah, now that i think about it, that could have been why she said she couldn't go, but then that doesn't explain the looks she gave you afterwards.

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