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I bombed my first test, I feel so bad


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Tuesday, I had my first test and I studied for it and when I took it I felt good about it, thinking postive that I will get a B or a C on the test. Today I got my test back and I did so poorly I got a 49% on my test Getting a F makes me feel so terrible and miserable, I was about to faint. I couldn't believe I did so bad, I had confidence in myself I did good, but I didn't. I studied, I read the chapter, took notes. I never before had such a low test score like that before. Getting this F just really makes me feel so bad..


I know it's the first test and I have 2 more plus the final in the end of the semester..I have one research paper thats worth 100 points other than that there are no other assignments for points. It just taking the tests. Right now I am in a big hole and my next test is 5 weeks away and I need to do good, because if I don't, it's pretty much over. I won't be able to pass the coarse and I won't get my degree.


How many here failed their first test and ended up passing the coarse? Besides studing, which is the main key, what else did you do to pull yourself out of the hole?

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In 1st year honors chemstry, the prof wrote the highest test score and the lowest test score.


Highest was a 99/100

Lowest was a 19/100


Guess who got the lowest.


Hint (he's tall, dark and handsome--but obviously not good at college chemistry).


I ended up getting a D in the course.




I retook the course, and did what's called Grade Replacement. They replaced my D with the A I earned.


That said, what I've found to help, is to talk to the professor if you're having problems.


Also make sure to do the homework. 9/10 if you can do the homework, you can do the test.


Also make sure you show up to class regularly.


See if there are study sessions prior to exams. If there arent, talk with fellow students and try to organize them yourself. Those helped me out, and eventually I was teaching the other students the what's what and the who's who.


Just some ideas.

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I've never flunked a midterm but I did get a C once in first year but managed to pull off an A for my second midterm for another elective course by switching my study methods. Try to think back what were the key points in that exam, see if you can identify what your professor focuses on. Keep plugging at it. Giving up after the first fail is just the easy way out. Its hard not to cave in but that's what university is all about. You have to encourage yourself to do better the next time around and find a solution because no one is going to do it for you.

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I think if you did bad but thought you studied enough for it, it would be good to look at the answer key and find out how they marked the exam, and what kind of details the prof is looking for. Its very possible to get a pass or even a good grade (assuming the first test wasnt worth much, maybe ~20% of total grade), and I've seen many students do this.

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