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an unusual advice request.

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dunno if this is the right forum, but here we go [i know, not the usual advice request you'd expect, but i do need some advice on this]




my mom and my dad are divorced, i live with my mom and my brother. btw, i'm a guy too...


anyway, personally i have always found lip piercings nice, and always wanted one...


so i talked to my mom about this before, since i havn't reached legal age yet, and she totally freaked.. (this was half a year ago or something)


so earlier today, i asked again... 'cause i really want one... but she just says no, and says ''with what kind of people do you hang around with, no way!'' - personally i think that's unfair to say, because it has nothing to do with who i hang around with or anything like that, it's out of my own interest... and if i try to explain, she won't listen... she just DOES NOT want me to have a piercing.. which i think is kind of unfair.

say i was a girl, i'd be having pierced ears...

so why not the lip?


any advice or thoughts on this...



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Hey indee_vidual!


I somewhat agree with sweetchickpea; maybe your mother is just trying to protect you.


If I were you I would think it very carefully before having my lip pierced. Some of my friends have had their lip pierced and they said it caused much pain in the first week. Then, you have to "look after" it. You know, keep it away from bacteria and all that kind of stuff. as sweetchickpea also said, your appearance really changes, so it would be good to scan a photo of you to the computer and "add" it so you have an idea of how it look likes.


However, the decition is yours, whatever you do, think it well. In case you are allowed to, be sure to go to a reliable place: you know, clean equipment and discardable needles to avoid getting unwanted diseases.


Good luck


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(im a girl by the way) when i wanted my cartilidge pierced, my dad freaked out. i think it just has to do with the fact that maybe your mom thinks that you will regret it after a couple years. its like a tattoo, once you get it, your stuck with it, only in this case your stick with a whole in your lip. i don't know anything about lip piercings, but i do know that all piercing require different care & special care. piercings, especially of the mouth are easy to get infected because its the mouth & your mouth is full of bacteria & you eat with your mouth. i think you should do some research & find out how to take care of it, what can happen if it gets infected, all that kind of stuff. you should know every thing so that you can know all possibilites. also, maybe talk to some people you know who have their lips pierced. after you do this, if you still want it, then tell your mom all the research you found. my dad made me do all this research on cartilidge piercings, so i could know what to expect. you never know, this could change your mind about wanting a lip piercing. if your mom still says no, then i suggest just waiting until you can get one on your own. if you want it that bad, then you can wait for a couple of years & hopefully you will still want one.

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