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Is it hormones or just my way of plesaure?


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See, I am a guy who loves women.


I'm 19 years old, and I suppose that is very normal. If it isn't, someone please correct me, LoL.


I like a lot of things, computers, classic TV, some present TV, classic radio, etc.


But I noticed, when I think of women, and I think of being with a girl, it's like chemicals start to explode in my mind, and I just love everything, and I can't be depressed about anything, it seems like.


Like, if I just meet a girl, who's pretty as can be and has a personality, I really enjoy, and I think, if I was with her, it feels like my depressions and worries of the day go away, and it feels like something is pumping into my brain, and I feel at peace, and I think, how nice it would be to sit there with my arms around her, and just say, life isn't that bad, and I got someone to enjoy life with.


What is this feeling of such joy and like my brain is pumping? It's opposite, once I am done, I swear, once I go back to reality, out of this dream world, it feels like, my brain is draining, and I feel back to normal.


I only seem to be able to do this thinking about woman, not computers or TV or anything else. Am I doing self-hypnosis of some kind?

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Yeah, I don't know if anyone else does this or not but it's like I feel so wonderful afterwards.


Does anyone else here feel that porn can be a good thing?


See, I know that most people feel that porn is just demeaning to women.


And I know probably there will be some who disagree with me, but I feel I must explain my views.


See I don't believe in having sex with a girl. In other words, I don't believe in bang, bang, thank you mam.


I believe in making passionate love to a woman. In other words, I want her to be like, holy f*** afterwards, and realize that I am no average guy.


So believe it or not, porn seems to keep me healthy. It allows me to not just keep all these emotions bottled up, and it's like afterwards I feel a huge relief.

It's like, I know when I finally find a girl for myself, she will not get the feeling, that I'm just some regular dead guy.


See here is what I don't get. You always hear men should and women don't like it when men look at women's bodies. But I noticed, when I get into these love making moods, which seems to happen very often, I start to look at women's bodies, and some ignore or don't notice anything, but many other women, some hot, some average, some other, start to smile and giggle at me, and many start to flirt, and look at me a lot, some stare for like minutes on end.


So my question, is this all in my head, or can porn and fantasy sometimes actually be healthy? Or is it normally always bad and demeaning to women, as many seem to say?


Also, does my passion for love making instead of sex show? Because, I noticed when other guys seem to look at a girl's body, they generally maybe get a smile but mostly seem to get a "what are you looking at look." but for me, it's like I get a "Hey boy, what's up, looks.". What probably do I do, differently, that many girls, actually never seem to mind me looking at them, many times, they act like they want me to look.


Also, I noticed many guys seem to be dead looking when they look at a girl's body and they generally just look, never usually smile, and act like, they just looked at something in a store.


I wonder if how I look at women possibly drives them wild or is just attractive.

See when I look at a girl, first I look at her face, then her hips/curves, then back to her face, and just give that look like, damn you are so fine. And, before, when I didn't look at women's bodies and get into these moods, I never seemed to really get female attention, but once I started looking at their bodies and started to act like, "Either you want me, and that's cool, or you don't want me, and that's cool", it was like, they started to give me more attention. They seem to love it, when I look, then look away, and go do my thing, instead of just go over and hit on them, like the normal guy does and mess up somewhere.


So here is my question, is my whole theory completely insanse, and women don't want guys to fantasize about them at all? Or, is there some truth to it? Or is it all truthful and a very good way of attraction?


I'm not sure, because not many other guys seem to do "business" how I do it, so when I ask other guys, they are confused as to what I am talking about. But, if none of this works, then why did I basically go from no attention from the ladies to looks, smiles, stares, and giggles all the time?

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