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*beauty is only skin deep? yeah right...

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So to all you that say beauty is only skin deep, ok... Well if you're not physically attracted to a person how can one hope to have physical relations with them???


Sure you might have fun with them and enjoy their company but what about when the time comes for sex??? If you don't find the person physically attractive how would it feel to have sex with them?? Not very pleasant I imagine.....


So why do people say beauty is only skin deep when you're not physically attracted to someone it will cause problems. You need the package deal if you're planning to date someone, not just looks but a personality too or vice versa. Just my opinion anyway.



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hey there ricko...

i think thats a fair opinion, but in my eyes for people who always feel under all circumstances that beauty is only skin deep then that is what it is....you learn to love the person for who they are like in any relationship, you love them for their faults and achievements, and once you have learnt this got through there physical attraction (baring in mind this may never have even been an issue) then you can make sexual actions etc.


i dont think in any corcumstances that you make actions such as these lightly anyway so i feel even if you need to get to know that one particular person even more because of the way they look, wed take that time and ensure it was right.


anyways like you said for yours this is just my opinion on your question or statement.


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I agree most attraction is superficial, yet even that can go wrong. Being beautiful or handsome does not solve your sexual or relationship problems.

I have fallen in love that with a man that was not initially attracted to, I use to have a criteria when it comes to meeting men, but I have grown and learned alot from that. This man spoke soft, he was charming, chivalrous, anyway I feel in love with his soul, then he become beautiful to me. Our sex was incredible, we were so passionate for one another and I still love him. However, I always will love this man, he could not give me what I needed, a commitment, so we went our separate ways. The moral of the story is that initially, yes there must be an attraction, but falling in love takes more than just a pretty face.

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Okay, I HAVE to pipe up here, since obviously that's my quote, and, more importantly, one I've LEARNED from.


Yes, beauty is only skin deep. When I say to look deeper, I mean exactly that. If you find some woman who's not particularly attractive, how's her personality? If someone has a stellar personality, you tend not to see the outer looks, you see the qualities that makes them into who they are, which, in my opinion at least, makes them SO much more attractive. Enough so that, if you're not shallow, you won't even notice their lack of attractiveness after being around them for a bit and just enjoying the person they are.


One of my ex's was what most people would call just about the ugliest thing they've ever seen......when I first met him, I thought so too, and didn't even want to look at him much. But as I got to know how sweet he was, how considerate, how caring, that overrode his looks, to the point where I'd have no problem going out with him in public and having people sneak glances at him because he was so unattractive. Didn't matter to me. I knew who he was on the inside. And not to get too personal, but he showed me physically how he cared as well, and the looks didn't matter whatsoever, it was the emotions expressed that mattered.


So it's truly personal preference. If you can't look beyond someone's "outer shell" and see the person they are inside, then you're missing out on some great women. Give a less attractive person a chance.....no, at first glance they might not have you doing cartwheels, but if the sight of them brings a smile to your face because you can't wait to talk to them again, and see what thoughts and ideas you can share with them, then maybe you're not really ready to fully experience all that dating has to offer yet.



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Okay let me tell u what i think


First of all if you are good looking and handsome ..it helps say 75% of the problem of meeting the opposite sex..so LOOKS DO GO A LONG WAY IN MEETING THE OPPOSITE SEX


Where personality comes in is that it can captivate the other person which looks cant do .. looks only help to stimuli our eyes ..while a charmin personality ..stimulates our mental side , thereforeeee adding attractin to the person


i am a ordinary looking guy at my best i have described cute ..but i have got dozens of comlpliments on my personality and my persona


i have had people who have hardly known me and compliment me on my personality ...also thats what attracted my first gf to me ..she asked me out and she is really good lookin (we broke off 5 mnths back)


buts thats life ..its is your charisma and your personality which makes u attractive and not your looks


ive met some real hot women , but when they opened there mouths , it was such a turn off ..who you are and HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF AND MAKE OTHERS FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES IS WHAT MAKES YOU ATTRACTIVE ..LOOKS DO HELP BUT ONLY FOR A INTRODUCTION.


AND THATS how the west was won folks ..

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There are many forms of attraction, lets just say that physical attraction is great, but its not priority for me.


I am not going to sit here and lie, and say that i would go out with any woman, even if she is wonderful inside, there are limits. I could not go out with an obese person for example.


But, there are those, that image is everything, i see it almost everyday, girls, and guys hanging with someone that treats them like garbage, buy hey, they with someone that looks like a model and thats all they care about, even if they arent happy.


They just want that trophy man or girl to show off in front of their friends. they couldnt care less about personality, its all about image, is he popular is he hot looking, does he have a great car.


Usually youll see the above behaviour in younger people early 20s, or teens. eventually being happy and with someone good, becomes more of a priority. but I have seen people in their 30s+ still doing this.


I am not saying that if your good looking your a bad person, but when your only criteria is image, you will get burnt alot.

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