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ladies, what is too fast? ....


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....take this in the context of someone you've been dating for about 3 weeks....is too fast calling everyday just to say hi? is too fast asking for more than one date a week?


if a guy texts you one day to say hi, and calls you the next, is that too fast or too much? do you consider texting the same as getting a phone call in the sense that you counted as the same as a short phone convo?


just curious what you girls consider a guy moving too fast in the beginning when it comes to contacting/asking for dates.....

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Hey Raincheck,


I'm not a woman, or an expert, but if you'd like a friendly suggestion, here it is.


There really is no rule about something like this. Dating can't be dissected into numbers and laws. It all depends on you, your attitude, and, more importantly, the lady that you're talking to. Quite simply, just judge her reaction to things. I mean, there's a difference if she responds to your text with something like "Hey! How are you?" rather than "hi", and it's even easier to tell if you talk to her on the phone. Just make a good judgement of her reactions, and if you feel like you're going too fast, then maybe try to slow it down a little.


In the end, you probably shouldn't worry so much about it. Just be yourself and discover how she feels about it. As long as you don't go overboard, I doubt that it will be a serious problem.

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women like hearing from men, I don't think you need to worry too much.


It's nice for a girl to hear from a guy just to say hi how are you, we like it.


Moving to fast I would say if you wanted to take up all of her time or told her you loved her within a few weeks.


Keeping in touch is fine IMO.


Have fun



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I think a good way to define "too fast" is simply: Sending signals that you're further along emotionally and more attached than she is signalling to you.


If she's going out once/twice a week on dates with you, maybe kissed you once or twice, you cannot tell her you're ready for an exclusive relationship or that you are in love. Not just with words but actions too. If you're showing too much in comparision to what she's showing you... you're going way too fast.

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