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dilemma , dating and braces

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Hi guys I am getting braces , I had them before but my treatment had only got 80% completed , now I have to have them for 6-8 mnths ,


What do girls think of guys in braces? Would this dampen my chances of going out with any girl, I really wanted to get them because I want my teeth to look good , but its got me also depressed that I have to wear them for such a long time

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dont worry about it, in the long run you will look great

personally im not bothered by it, the last two lads i went out with and even still with him are wearing them and i dont find a problem with it.

i would say that if this at all changes your chances with girls then those type of girls arent worth having in some retrospects.

anyway personality is the jey

so dont get too depressed over it.

hope this helped.


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Hello shyguy,

dont worry i had to wear braces for roughly that amount of time. and it is worth it,believe me.i had an overbite for most of my life,until i got braces when i was about 9 or 10 i think. but it does take time unfortunately,coz the braces move and reposition your teeth,so its takes a bit of time.it would be lovely if it could happen straight away!! i know its a bit of a pain in the a*s at the moment,but if you get it out of the way now then you'll never have to worry about wearing braces again,im glad i did it,coz now i practically have a perfect smile(well almost,i went and fell down a skateboard ramp and knocked my front tooth out a little while after that!!!)


But no seriously,it will be worth it in the end,and think yourself lucky,some people have to have them for years!! it shouldnt matter to girls whether you wear braces or not,as long as your hearts in the right place then who cares!!


Good luck sweet .

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So I should get them right , cause I was also thinking that it would help me in the long run , I cant stand having slightly awkward looking teeth , I feel as if could do something about them it really irritates me .


But seriously guys/girls , should I just be confident about it and just try to date girls or should I forget about it till I get my braces off, you have no idea how tough it is being conscious about the fact that you don’t have normal teeth .. they totally dampen my outlook towards everything ..and it totally depresses me .. the good news though is that I went to the doc today and he said that mine was a minor case and it could be fixed .

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YES!!! you should definitely get them,you will feel so much more confident when you have the smile you want.i did.and usually peoples teeth are the first thing i notice,and if somebody has nice teeth i think thats a lovely asset.

and yes definitely if yours is a minor case,thats even more reason to get them,your teeth can look wonderful in a short amount of time so why not??


i wouldnt just forget about dating,just go with the flow,if someone comes along then great,but if not as soon as your braces are off you can show yourself off to everyone with your new look and im sure people will be flocking your way.

Good luck hun,just go for it and get them,what do you have to lose?you can only gain out of this x x

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Definatly get them if you need them, you wont regret it.


I put braces on a age 40!! better late then never hehe.


Didnt effect my love life or get in the way of anything else.


hey if anything, I think they liked me more, cause i looked like a guy that took care of himself.


The reason I did it was because of a very very narrow upper bridge which was making my face look sunken, 1 year later they widened out about 1/2 inch made a very big difference in my facial features.


so many kids and adults are using braces now, its not like when i was growing up, so dont worry about it.

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A little advice...becareful of chicks with braces also.....ive seen a couple of embressing situations between some of my friends and chicks....eg gettin braces caught up in each others and not being able to get them out ..... other wise braces will be no problem.

Good Luck!!!

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