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Simple thing being a bigger issue


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So I have this belief that when drunk, you are who you are.


You are who you are when you are at your worst.... something my father told me, something I've realized, something which i hold as a belief 100%. When I drink I still maintain a sense of "oh if I break this, its bad" or "I need to not touch that or I'll make it dirty" or "take off my shoes before taking more than few steps in the house, don't wish to make it dirty". These are thoughts that I have even when i am drunk.


My friend thought that destroying a lamp that is worth a lot of money would be fun/funny. He claims "i was drunk" and I said "even when i am drunk that is the LAST thing I'd think of doing". He replied "i think its silly you are destroying a friendship over a lamp". my response was "if you think it is just a lamp that is the destruction of a friendship then you are mistaken on what I think a frienship requires to remain as confidants."


Even if he was drunk (which I was too) who would destroy something he KNEW i deamed valuable to some level? Is that a true friend... or is drunkeness really a proper excuse? Even when I'm drunk I don't perform that way.

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i can remember one time i was reeeeeally drunk and i walked home. the next morning, my roommate woke me up by banging on the door (guess i didn't know she was coming in so early so i'd put on the deadbolt), and handed me my purse, which i'd left out on the porch all night. i'm usually super careful about stuff like that, almost to an annoying fault. i do a lot of stuff that isn't really me when i'm drunk.


however, that said, i would never think it would be fun to destroy something of someone else's.. unless i hated them, maybe. it sounds a little weird.

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When you're drunk, the inhibition portion of your brain shuts down. IE, you become a different person. The impulses that you have normally are no longer blocaded by a very real part of your brain which has been poisoned to the point of being innactive.


This is a fairly simple logical issue. If it were the case that alcohol had no effect on changing a person, what would be the point of organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous? Now, that doesn't mean you just go and forgive a friend who does something ridiculous because they were drunk. You make them pay for their * * * *. If they break something extremely valuable to you personally, take whatever actions you must to achieve ammends - or break ties completely. But don't doubt the differences that alcohol will create in a person's character. Why would we say "mean drunk," for example, if it didn't?

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Apparently if you're drunk enough, you know what youre doing, but you won't care about it. he mightve wanted to hit that lamp sober, but would only did it when/because he's drunk.



I'm like you when I'm drunk, I always know what I'm doing, even if I get drunk to the point I'm blacked out. But that's what my teacher told me.

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