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Akward Kiss Moments

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So ive known this boy for about 3 1/2 weeks now. and weve been haning out alot! and just last friday we kissed for the first time. and then last night we made out somemore, and it was great. some times he stop and look at me. and it just made it very akward... like should i be saying something like "you kiss great".. i dont know. what do you do with that akward timing.. just like it roll?

thanks everyone!

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some times he stop and look at me. and it just made it very akward... like should i be saying something like "you kiss great".. i dont know. what do you do with that akward timing.. just like it roll?


yeah roll with it, whatever is comfortable. He probably is looking for a compliment or...something sweet or romantic...but if your not comfortable saying anything, just grab him & kiss him... I wish I could help more.

Yeah, Beec sounds right on the dot.

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look, I do this with my girlfriend... stop and look at her. When I do that I'm telling her I love her (not verbaly), and there's nothing awkward meant by it. It's not a silence that has to be filled. smile and look back, that's all


Sounds like you've got a loving and caring guy there. Well done

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  • 2 weeks later...
A man who is kissing you stops to look at you? Sounds to me like he really likes how you look and feels pretty lucky yo have you. Look back and enjoy it. I think this is a good thing.



roll with it, baby. You go, girl!!! My guy does it all the time and it makes me feel special.

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