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She just couldn't handle the long distance relationship

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Well my girlfriend dumped me out of the blue the other day. I went off to college and she is a senior in high school. From what I could understand was that because I was away, she thought we were drifting apart. I guess she just couldn't handle the long distance relationship. I could. I counted down the days until the next time I was going to see her. But I guess this is what she needs to make her happy. I want her to be happy. Even if that makes me miserable. I dont' know. She said that maybe in the future we could get back together but I know that probably won't work out because I won't always be around again and if she can't handle the long distance relationship then I just don't want her to even try.

I love her so much. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice for me, please I'm open ears.

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Hey I feel like im in the same boat, but im at the point where "she needs time to think" and I am assured its not about another guy or antying i think its mostly because of stress at her home n everything.


I know she loves me and someday things will work out either way.


were all young, its going to be hard but you know what. you do what you gotta do and do what ever it takes!


My Advice:


Look forward to the tomorrow that is going to be the better day from then.. on!


dont keep wondering about it just let it go and move on forward in a positive manner..


hope that helped in some way

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Hello there,

I understand your girlfriend broke up with you because she couldn't handle a long distance relationship. I also understand that she mentioned getting back together in the future, but you are unsure of the truth behind this.


You have a good reason to be unsure, as you said, if she has a distance issue now, what will happen when you leave again? However, on the same token, does she have any plans for college? Perhaps she can attend the same college as you, or one nearby?


For now though, I suggest you move on and begin trying to enjoy college life. It is not easy, but college can be a great place to meet new people. You never know who you may meet there, and it is good to keep an open mind, and an open heart, while you experience all that college life has to offer. If you and your ex feel comfortable, perhaps you could keep in touch and see if your relationship can be rekindled at a later date. If this is too much for you to handle, then don't do it. Sometimes cutting off all communication can help in the healing process. You have to decide what's best for you.


I hope this helped. Best wishes!

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Hello Randomguy. I think your girlfriend has done the right thing and it was difficult for her, trust me. I always felt drifting apart with my man in our long-distance thing and actually should have cooled things, but I did not and who knows what would have happened.


There are reasons she needs this time so please respect it and appreciate that you are not there for whatever it is she needs. Maybe she needs more experience (that is one thing I should have gone for) to really appreciate you, like when you get a few quotes for a project, you know which is the better value and fit (sorry to sound dry, but it's the truth and the truth sucks unfortunately, better late than never).

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