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Everything posted by randomguy123

  1. Well my girlfriend dumped me out of the blue the other day. I went off to college and she is a senior in high school. From what I could understand was that because I was away, she thought we were drifting apart. I guess she just couldn't handle the long distance relationship. I could. I counted down the days until the next time I was going to see her. But I guess this is what she needs to make her happy. I want her to be happy. Even if that makes me miserable. I dont' know. She said that maybe in the future we could get back together but I know that probably won't work out because I won't always be around again and if she can't handle the long distance relationship then I just don't want her to even try. I love her so much. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice for me, please I'm open ears.
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