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Muscle Twitches

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I have for a long time suffered from muscle twitches. It started mostly at night but its beginning to get progressively worst twitching in, arms, shoulders. Feels like an electric shock sometimes.


According to my daughter after I have fallen to sleep my whole body goes into muscle spasms like a jerk sensation about every 20 sec. I feel as though I have a good nights sleep but I often wake up at least 2x a night.


I do drink caffeine but no more than I have drunk before. Anyone experienced these symptons I was wondering if it would be a good idea to make an appt with a neurologist.


Thanks ..

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I get muscle tics from time to time too, in fact I've had a rather annoying on in my left thigh off and on for the last several days, but what you describe does sound more serious and definitely warrants at the very least a doctors' exam!

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I'll make an appt with the Dr this week. The only way I can describe it is like when your watching a movie and something happens that makes your upper part of the body shrug/jump.


Will keep you posted.

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See if you're getting enough magnesium (aids in the transmission of nerve impulses and the transfer of energy between cells) in your diet. If you're not getting the recommended doses, try using supplements.


Also, if it occurs while sleeping, it might be your body is shutting down more than usual, which your body gives yourself a "nudge" to start it up again, again, a neurological process. Ask your doctor about it. It has been months since i've studied this.

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