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once a cheater, always a cheater. right?


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I'm a bi and I've liked this girl for almost 6 years, well I basically love her. and Im planning to tell her how i feel soon even tho she has a bf. Days ago, i heard that she has cheated on her bf over 7 times!!! (obvisouly she doesnt really love him) the sad part is he still stay with her!! should i still tell her how i feel or its just a waste of time? do you think im just gonna fall down the drain?

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Wait..hang on guys...so she's gone back 2 him all 7 times? NOW UR MISSIN THE POINT if she goes back 2 him everytime, obviously she could like him so much coz i reckon it'd b hard cheatin and gettin back wif someone, it does take effort and if she doesn't even like him why bother?


I'd say don't tell her, if she ain't happy wif the guy, she'll leave him, she seems like the type. I just dunno about ppl breakin up other ppls relationships like that...


Happy Heb

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