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so guys/girls any tips???


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so heres the deal. (p.s. i would really like some suggestions i never get any here and this is the only place that i can go and talk about it.) My boyfriend and i have been getting a little more physical and i was just wondering what really turns a guy on? I MEAN REALLY TURNS A GUY ON LIKE FAST!!! i just wanna be able to do the same he does for me because he is so good at everything, but he is my first time at this kind of stuff and i wanna know how can you like mess with them. not like mean, but i guess how do you play a game and seduce them. Basically i just wanna know what they like the best. I just wanna be able to be more confident like he is when he is doing stuff and be pretty sure that he will like it so i'll be able to start stuff. YES I DO WANT SOME DIRTY STUFF!!!.

please just send me priv. messages and posts. thanx to all who can understand and try to help.

Love QT

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hey there qtpie I am glad to hear that things are working out between you and your b\f. okay you want to turn him on fast huh? You could play a game of strip poker that is always a winer. or you could just go up to him and groap him that'll work real fast. just grap his be-hind and just push yourself against him. basically physical contact turns a lot of guys on, at least I like that . {yes I am a guy} basically kiss and hug him. depends on how far you want to go do you want to have sex or just be frisky? LoL

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Hi QT,


I'd have to agree with virus. Get physical with him, don't get too rough that someone will get hurt but maybe wrestle with him, get plenty of hugs and such, just stand there and hold eachother for a while... I know one thing that worked great for my ex girlfriend was we just held eachother tightly and stared into eachother's eyes. That set the mood rather fast.


Hope that helped...


Oh I also forgot: pin him down, get on top of him. Alot of guys like dominant women. (No not dominatrics, thats just gross so don't get any ideas.) Just take charge once in a while.

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