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Just Tell me what U all think.... I Just Wan the Truth.. ;)

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I noe this Girl for 1 year 3 months. I just start to have a liking for her from last 2 months onwards as i find that she have very good character. we are close in sch until my frens started to tease her and me. From then on i never approached her in sch. But her attention towards me start to increase after she do her routine of asking me who i like, i told her that i like her character and looking for that sort in a Gf(over msn chat) . She ans back If u liked me i can't stop u but i think A and B suits u better then she laugh. A and B is the girls who have crush on me in sch. I started to lose confidence and told her that i wanna stay single now anyway. she asked me izzit b'cos i can't get over my ex? she always try to disturb me all the girls who have crush on me and my EX. i broke up 4 months ago. She used to tell me that she don wan a relationship cos it is troublesome, but that night she told me that she still believe in relationship and won mind getting into 1. but i told her that i not ready for a relationship at least for another 2-3 months. from thaT day onwards her attention towards me increases, she would sms me out of da blue.that wednesday she sms me, the day that we don see each other as there's no lesson. she never did this before. she started to come and chat with me in sch. Her frens also is getting close to me which i don really like cos i like to be alone in sch or with my male buddies. but she don sms me everyday. she also start to share her life stories with me but tell me not to tell any1. i seldom stare at her so i donno if she got stare at me in da lecture. she laugh at my joke which i said out without intending it would be a joke! But when i asked her out, she always seems busy. When i ask her to go swimming, she said that she seldom swim with guys( and the fact that she don like going out with guys ). altough her reasons seems valid i still not confident abt it cos it been 4 times that i been rejected to go on dates with her. once she asked me out when i am busy and onli once.The Stopping factor for me is when after i told her that i like her, she told me that A and B would suit me better!!! And that time i really thinks i don wan any realtionship so i don ask her what she thinks of me( i just wanna tell her if there any1 i would ever consider to go into a realtionship with again, it is her: as also to stop her from asking me question of which girl i have feelings for now over and over again) ..... so now plz conclude this for me dude.... thanx...

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Dude just tell her how u feel about her and she what her response is. Just don't be to pushy u know. Don't get all obsessive girls hate that and it pushes them away. Kinda ignore her in a way. U know just be polite to her and nice. If u see her struggling with something go over and offer ur help only if u know what ur doing though. That way when she needs help or simply wants to talk or bond with u she will use this subject as a an excuse. Just play it cool basically. Telling her how u feel is ok just as long as u don't get all dramatic. Just tell her how u feel and don't ask or expecta reply just go on about ur business after that. If it means something to her she will let u know. In the meantime just be cool.

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