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boyfriend cheated


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Could you help me? I don't know what to do. Last night I found my boyfriend naked on top of another woman in the room next to where I was sleeping. I am crushed. truly heartbroken. He had hickey's on his neck. He was drunk and she was drunk. He has never done this before. I never thought HE would. We have been together for 8 months now. I don't know what to do. He has e-mailed me with "I can't believe this happened" and "you are the best thing in my life" and "I am so sorry" and "I love you", but I don't know. I wish I didn't love him right now, but I can't help it.... I do. If you have any advice for me, I would love to hear from someone. Is this the time for a second chance?? Should I wait a while?? I just don't know what to do. Help. -Katie

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Hi Katie,


Only you know if it is time for a second chance right now or not. You should however be protecting yourself from this happening again. If he would let it happen once (drunk or not), he may let this happen again.


You should probably wait a week or two until you are over the initial emotion of the situation, and let your brain decide what you should do then.


Hope this helps you some,

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Hey There !


You are welcome ! And remember there are many articles on this site about breaking up - dealing with cheating etc. You can find great insight into your situation and how others have dealt with it so as to move on !


Good luck, and remember we are here if you need us



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Im sorry to hear about this, Cheating is a horrible factor and happens with a lot of people.


I think that you however should ask yourself, if You didnt find him there, would he have told you that this happened? Even if he didnt have hickies on his neck.... would he have let you knwo that this is what has been going on??!?!?!?


Through my experience, from the first time that my ex cheated on me, he didnt tell me but i found out, when i confronted him he denied it and said, how could he when I am the best thing that happened to him. I waited a week or so with him pleading for another chance, well.... the chance came..... then a second chance came..... then he just thought that he could do it, and get away with it..... there are only a limited amount of people that regret it and stay faithful to the person who let them cheat on them...... so...... you know be careful.... if you need anything or wanna chat more please private message me.


All the best, and keep smiling and shining......


Oh and by the way...... even when you are drunk you still know what you are doing and have some sort of control over your body!!!!! Alcohol, drugs is not an excuse for cheating.....!

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