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Posts posted by Ripcurl513

  1. Ok just one last thing before I make the choice to tell her.....ok me and our friend were joking around yesterday, well we do it all the time, but yesterday we were joking around about like being "lovers" I dont know....our whole group does it, but on the way home with the one I want to be with, shes like you guys gotta stop the way ya'll are talking to eachother....and I was like why.....she said because she is getting jealous, and the way she said it, she meant jealous of someone talking to me like that....so what do you think? Go for it? Or wait?

  2. Thank you all so much....some things have happened over the weekend...we both got wasted friday night and we were talking, the subject came up and i think shes into it.....nothings happened yet, but shes been touching me a lot like every chance she gets so what do you think? She always wants me to sit on her lap and she like rubs my back or the back of my neck, or she plays with my hair...so?

  3. Wellswomyn,

    Thank you for that advice....tonight is actually the night we always watch movies so I will definatley rent that one! I'm 18 and so is she....a lot of things happened this weekend with us, nothing to far but I think the flirting went far......we are always together so thats a good sign right? Well, since we have been hanging out we have not really talked about it at all, but friday night we were all drinking and well I told her how I felt...she didn't act weird...she actually acted like she was interested, but we haven't talked about it since friday night.....but she always wants to touch me....she always finds a way, like she always wants me to sit on her lap, and she plays with my hair a lot....or if were in the car she puts her hand on my leg and like uses her nails....but nothings been said or has happened....I really have strong feelings for her but I dont know what to do! Your advice really helped me, do you have anymore?


  4. Well...she doesn't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend...shes my best friend, so we hang out all the time...I'm talking every second that I'm not in school...I'm with her, we work together and after work we sneak out together...I mean she takes my car home every night because I don't have my lisense anymore for a couple of weeks, so she takes my car every night and is at my house after school....we're pretty good friends thats why I dont want to say anything....we are fixing to move out together in about 3 weeks, so thats why I just don't know if I should just say it....I might say something today after I get out of school, well if I get enough guts to do it......my main problem is that I dont know if shes bi!


  5. Hang in there lilu.....it will get better, just like they are saying, I'm a little younger but I've been through a lot as well....well more than most 17 year olds......I feel your pain and I hope it gets better for you cause I know how it feels....thinking its never gonna end and basically not knowing what to do with yourself....it sucks, be strong and be happy as hard as it sounds....you can do it! SMILE!!!

  6. Ok so basically I'm so confused on what to do....heres the story! I think I have really strong feeling for my best friend. I don't think I love her, but the problem is shes a girl and so am I! I don't know if shes like that or not, shes made comments, but nothing to where I would think shes definalty bi or anything...the most recent comment was last night, we were all drinking and talking about anything...the subject came up about being bi....well actually it was about bi girls...the guys were saying how bi girls are the best, whatever! Well my best friend was like "If I found the right girl I could be bi, but I just haven't found anyone yet!" I'm thinking.."I'M RIGHT HERE"....but I didnt say anything...but I did say that I didnt want to talk about it anymore...so I think she got the vibe..I'm pretty sure she knows anyway...I mean its not like I've actually came out and told her, but things that our friends(the ones that know about me) talk to me about and like things I've said...I'm pretty sure she knows, but I don't know if I should say anything...I really like her and care for her, but I also don't want to freak her out...ya know? Anyone know any advice? Please help me.....I just can't take it anymore, I really want to be with her and I see her EVERYDAY and I go out with her EVERY NIGHT ...and I really want to just be like....look we should be together, but I'm so scard that shes gonna turn me down. I dont want to get turned down! ANYONE with any advice....please help! ](*,)

  7. Has everything been ok? Have your parents changed their minds yet? I haven't heard from you in like a week, so I was just wondering! Well tell me whats up dude! I'll help you out with this, It's a lot easier to talk to someone....believe me I know.....just tell me how you are and I'll talk to you later!

  8. Someone please help me...I really need some advice with this!!! Its been hard to deal with this and not know what to do about it! I still haven't said anything to her about it, but I think shes getting the vibe, but I still don't know how she feels about it or me? Please...anyone who can help it would be great! If you could just tell me like what I should look for or something if she likes me like that or not!?

  9. Is it boot camp? I had to go to boot camp, but it was just a 12 hour camp...it was hard though! So is she just gonna come and ya'll are gonna see what happens...or what? When are you suppose to be at camp? Man, its so crazy cause this sounds excally like the same situation I used to be in! Well hope your doing ok.... \ Keep Smiling \

  10. You should tell her, expecially if you love her cause she won't be able to trust you if she ever finds out and eventhough your SURE....what if her friend brings it up when shes drunk again....what if she just did it for your girlfriend to see how much she can trust you....cause us girls do, do that! So you should definatly tell her, it would just be better!

  11. Thats good that you finally asked her....I was just reading all the posts and was gonna tell you to call her as soon as possible cuz she probably needed information and stuff since prom is close....but you had already called...well good luck with her and have fun at prom! I know I will!

  12. I know how you feel, my parents used to hit me a lot too 0X ...but they don't anymore and I don't recomend you do what I did...so I'm not gonna mention it. But about your girlfriend, I really don't know what you could do, I mean you could always sneak her in every night....which would be a hassel probably...or you could sneak out or something...thats really unfair that they won't let you see her...expecally when she already bought her tickets.....let me know what your thinking about doing....? When is she coming?

  13. I agree with niet....it sounds like she really likes you as much as you like her and I wouldn't be worried about it to much! Although I am going through the same thing to try to find out if my friend likes me that way because I have really strong feelings for her and I don't know if she does for me!


    I say go for it....and the worst thing that is going to happen is shes gonna say no...but it doesn't sound like thats the case to me!

  14. Those sound like definate signs of attraction to me...i know this because i have the same feelings for another girl...and thats pretty much what I do....my friend doesn't know either, but I'm about to tell her how I feel...(i know this doesn't matter) but I just want to let you know that if you feel the same way...tell her...if you don't.... as ASH said, definatley let her down easy...cause I'm not sure if I'm gonna get let down or not, but I'm scard that its gonna happen! So just explain that your just not that way! Well, I hope I helped...

  15. Everything that parents say and do are just total bull crap....they never understand the way you feel, niether do they care.....theres nothing wrong with you having your girlfriend over and I totally understand where your coming from....I read your other post so i know your situation. I went through the same thing about 3 months ago. Its the hardest thing in the world, but in the end when you know you made it through it, and its because you did it...not anyone else, then you'll feel good. Cops don't help and niether do other people who are "Professionals", they don't know your problems like you do....and they can't just understand if they haven't gone through it...i went through my parents hitting me and everything you could think of...like cops at my house everyday...and boot camp and therapy....none of that stuff works....its all in your head and its just so hard....but it'll be over soon...like you dont have to deal with it for the rest of your life....no matter how old you are...your gonna turn 18 then you can do what you want...so just look forward to that even if it is a couple of years....i had to deal with it for 5 years....and now i have less than a month! You can get through this...i promise!

  16. I really like my friend and shes a girl but I don't know if shes that way or not, its somthing that I really think about, all the time, I'm not sure if I should ask her, and just deal with the weridness if shes not, but if she is it'll be great...but if shes not thats gonna be weird...sometimes she acts like she is, but other times she doesn't. I have like dreams about her and shit...I just don't know what to do cause its killing me not to know and its gonna hurt so bad if shes not! What should I do? I think I have kinda strong feelings for her.....not just about sex...and I seriously want a relationship! So any advice would help...and if she is and I get the oppurtunity....could someone tell me some good places I could kiss her or touch her that she might like?

  17. Yeah...she really needs to make that choice....but i can say on her side that i had a boyfriend that used to always want to have sex and I seriously didn't want to have sex with him but if i didn't he would just get so mad at me and we would fight over it forever...so just to say that...but i only let it go one because i cared about him and other than the sex thing he was a good guy...but this girl just really needs to get away from that guy...cause if she can't see that her life is going to be a dead end with this guy then maybe you should think about being with someone else....you could take me out, if you wanted to?.......LOL...no seriously though if i had a chance to be with a guy like you...well as much as i know about you from these things...but she is lucky and she just needs to choose!

  18. Thank you so much....I really want to forgive him, but sometimes its so hard when I have to sleep in his bed and different stuff like that...yeah this girl was a one night stand....but it just hurts so bad everytime i think about it.....no matter what it was, but I'm going to try to just forget about it and move on with my life. By the way, I thought I was happy when we were apart....but i wasn't, I missed him so much and I broke up with him, I felt like I needed a break and I was just ready to hang out with my friends!

  19. Yeah....I told her that I really wanted a realationship with her but latley things between us have been really weird....like we argue about stuff when we're just hangin' with our friends....i don't know....she says that she really isn't going to have anything to do with me, AGAIN, but the way she acts is like she wants to do stuff again....well now this other girl that I'm "TALKING" to....well shes great, but i think this girl likes my girl and I just wont know what to do if that happens...thank you for helping me!

  20. I feel that way about my boyfriend i have right now....been together for 3 years and sometimes i feel like he loves me more than anything in the world and other times i feel like he wants nothing more than to get away from me and be with his friends...i have asked him about this many of times and acctually it is the #1 thing we fight about....he says that he understands how i feel and he really wants to change but he still hasn't....AFTER 3 YEARS!!!! I think its total bull-shit that guys do this and it would just be so easy to keep us happy by just acting like they care about us ALL THE TIME...I mean is that a lot to ask for? I dont think it is. I really don't know what to do about this whole mess, but if you got any advice for me, let me know!!!!

  21. Ok so my life is full of problems. I have had a boyfriend for 3 years...well 3 years next month...and we broke up for about 4 months and got back together about a month ago...i love him so much and i know he loves me but hes stuck in the immature age i guess...hes 19 and I'm about to be 18, it seems like he doesn't care about me but i KNOW he does...but it hurts so bad that he doesn't show it and I've told him...hes promised me a million times that he is going to change for me but i guess its just to hard. I dont know what to do about that but another problem i have is that we were both eachothers first and he slept with this girl when we were broke up and it hurts so bad...it hurts to just think about it, i dont know how to deal with it except to just get over it....but i can't...i have nightmares about him being with this girl and other girls...i dont know what to do and i can't help thinking about it...when i try to talk to him about it, he gets mad because i guess he just really doesn't like to think about it either but he thinks that i like to think about it...i just need someone to talk to and hes like my best friend....no one else seems to understand..they just tell me that i need to forget about it cause he's with me. But its just too hard. I really wish it would just get erased from my mind, someone please help me!!!

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