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Everything posted by sushi

  1. I am so sorry that you are so unhappy. Please do try councelling again. Sometimes it takes a while to find the right person to talk to. Remember medication often takes at least 6 months before it is effective. Sometimes reading books help. I read a book called bad things happen to nice people. It helped me realize that the things that happened to me were not because I was a bad person. Mind you, I am still working on that one.
  2. I have struggled to come o terms with what happened but 1 year later I still seem to be struggling from depression. I separated from my partner of 10 years after being unhappy for most of it. He spent his life out and never spent anytime with my child or I. I did my best to be as nice as possible when I moved out. I left the spare car key, 1/2 my son's belongings. I even picked and dropped my son at his house. My son was always very reluctant to go but I put that down to the seperation. He was only 4. In return my ex partner was awful. He paid no maintanence and was as difficult as possible. I started to insist that he picked my son up and dropped him as my son hated me leaving him. One morning he dropped him late because they were looking for a present. My son told me and another witness that his father did a wee on his head. He described the color and consistency of sperm. He was in too much pain to be carried as he said his father had sucked his penis. The police turned up 3 hours after we reported the crime. There was no DNA and the police refused to prosecute. I do not believe that people know that the police will generally take no action in the UK if there is no physical DNA. They will put it down to the child making it up or the parent trying to deny access. The statistical likelihood of a 4 year old lying is 1.86%. How could anyone say I tried to deny access. I wasn't alone with him for the whole day before or when he was dropped of. How could I get a 4 year old to rehearse pain. I spend all my time with this going round and round in my head. I left the UK and stayed in Asia as it was the only way I could be guaranteed that my child would not see this pevert. My child says he never wants to see him but the courts will not listen to a child under a certain age. I feel so upset. I find it so hard to carry on with life. That soneone I trusted could do this. I feel like I wasted years of my life.
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