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Everything posted by dfeeser

  1. Hello, I have been interested in this girl since the beginnning of the semester. Only before, i was in a long-term relationship for about 3 years. Recently, we broke up and i was thrown back into the dating scene @ 21. I was never good at talking to girls and missed the best time of my life to learn howto due to my relationship. Anyway, this girl had been giving me looks in class and i decided that i neededt o talk to her. It was just the fact of actually going through with it. So i psyched myself up the class before and decided that i was going to sit next to her. By the time i had gotten into class, i decided not to sit next to her and chickened out. After class i said her name and the convo went like this: Hey penny? Do you drive a mustang? Yeah, why... i saw you yesterday driving on 17 and you helped me to get to work on time. Oh did the car have a yellow stripe on it? Yes.. and i walked away as my car was the other direction BAD move eh? I should have just stayed and talked about the car or something.. Now i feel she probably thinks i was stalking her or something. Should i try to sit next to her next class time? Any advice on things to say? I was always shy around girls because i was afraid my gf would get mad if i talked to others...so i never did.... any help would be greatly appreciated devin
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