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  1. Hi, I am new to the forum as a member, but this threat is something that manages to distract me in my lowest days, so its fair if I share a story: * friends of a friend dated around 4 years when both were in their mid 20ties - they broke up for a year and after that they got back together. 2 years later my friend is a best man at their wedding and they are happy *2 friend of mine started dating in colleague and broke up after 3 years because they wanted to be single (at least one of them) both dated other people and in a few months they got back togheter currently leaving together for 4 years now And a little bit different story with happy ending for one of the parties - both were very very young - 14 years old, they started dating and after 14 years (a lot of them actually living together, the guy saw the attention of another woman and broke everything over a night. Quite shocking. The girl made the usual crying, begging, waiting, making a fool of herself until one day she met a very nice guy and they started dating - suddenly her ex felt like he is losing her forever and star making contact (while before that when she contacted him, he usually yelled at her and threat her very badly). Well guess what - 2 years after the break up one of them was forced to realize that the grass was actually greener on the other side and this is the girl. She is currently living with her new guy and the ex is one who is crying almost every week for her begging her to come back.
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