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Everything posted by Dyavolboy27

  1. Reading these have helped me quite a bit. I'm trying to follow the advice I see in this forum and am okay with the motions of accepting the break up and moving on and working on myself. I feel though as if in my head it's all a way to get her back. Today I realized though that I dont necessarily want her back as my girlfriend I just want her in my life... Our breakup which happened about two months ago wasn't a bad one. Together for three years and I'm just turning 22 and she just turned 21, she said she wanted to be alone but she would always have love for me. Well about two weeks after her and I break up which I made the terrible terrible choices of begging her and being desperate she started dating this new guy and for the first three weeks of their relationship she continued to see me behind his back, well about two weeks ago she called me and was like I need to tell you something turns out she has decided to marry him after knowing him for a couple of months and since then we have LC a text here and there but I'm trying hard to not talk to her at all. After all of this I still have hope, I feel bad because no one supports her choices and I'm not mad at her or anything but I wish people would support her..I do. I just want her to be happy..preferably with me but if not that's okay...I still hope her and I can fix things but I know I need to work on loving myself and doing things for myself (that was the biggest problem she had in our relationship is that I didn't accomplish what I said I would mostly in regards to myself) her and I before I stopped talking to her had discussed us getting back together and such but now she is..caught up in this guy... So here is hoping..
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