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  1. I am going through a similar situation as everyone here. These stories are definitely uplifting. I think the what seems to be the common denominator in all these recon. stories is patience and forgiveness. All we can do is continue to be positive and smile even though our hearts are aching. I've said this before and I'll continue saying this, if you treat ppl well whether it be in a relationship, or just in general, it is very hard to completely forget someone. Maybe its timing, or a lack of feeling (for a period of time) that causes one person to walk out on the relationship, but I am confident that if you've put in your best effort as far as showing them love and appreciation, they will find their way back to you in some capacity. I think some people in life can only ever come to the realization of how good they had it, once they dont have it anymore. Its sad, but true. I think that reconciliations are much more common then people realize.
  2. all these positive recon. stories are awesome to hear. It absolutely CAN happen ESPECIALLY if you've treated your ex well while the relationship was going on. IMO it is very hard to forget or ignore what people have done for you. Sometimes as the relationship continues or even during the heat of the breakup the "dumper" tends to lose sight of all those good things only to remember after the breakup what they are missing out on and how well they were treated. I find that you tend to miss things only when they are taken away from you. As the "dumpee" all you can do is be patient, positive continue living and not existing knowing full well that you did all you could to the best of your capabilities! And if its meant to be, SURELY the "dumper" will realize this at some point and an effort towards reconciliation can begin. if you've treated someone well, they are always drawn back to you, it just takes time and your patience for them to realize it.
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