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Everything posted by TheHopeful

  1. I can add some stories, though they weren't exactly successful, the dumper came back. A good friend I knew from college went out with this guy for about 2-3 years while in college. The guy would always flirt with women, and do shady stuff with others so the girl broke up with him at the end of that college year. During the summer I comforted her and we actually ended up going out shortly after classes started. This lasted a month. She dumped me, and it turns out she was doing things with her ex while we were dating. After that they got together but it didn't last long, maybe 4 months or so. I cut them out of my life so I'm not positive. I do know that they both found someone else who they are with today (so about 2-3) years.
  2. I just read the post, it was very helpful! Thank you! Hopefully I will be able to post my own story here
  3. Ok, what about this tactic: knowing successful reconciliations usual occur once they have both moved on and have had time apart under their belt, is it possible to move on while having some hope that they will one day reconcile? And even if they don't end up doing so they will have moved on anyway? Maybe this was mentioned before, and if so sorry for the repeat
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