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Everything posted by ChinaSparrow

  1. Hello everyone. Thanks for your thoughts. We are still together and it's been nearly five months, and... my parents still don't know. It's getting really hard to keep it a secret! Are there any parents out there with an opinion? i don't know how to go about telling them. Also his sons don't know and i think they'll be pretty cheesed too. what a mess eh? the things we do for love!
  2. He and i are not really archetypical of our ages. We have lots of interests in common such as theatre, film, music etc. The whole relationship was based on an intellectual connection, and i think that it's because of that that i would alwyas love him, regardless of age. We enjoy talking about literature, music genres that my other peers consider boring or dated, and we both just seem to have a similar outlook on life. We go out to beautiful dinners, we see films together, and sometimes just for walks. Believe me i worry sometimes that i will eventually bore him- he's got a degree (amongst others) in linguistics! i feel so uneduacated and dull! I suppose i'll have to get over that- anyway, there are many factors to consider, and my main worry is that society will crucify him when they see us as a couple. They will see him as a predator, and that's not the case at all. Would you think that if you saw a couple like us together? I love him so much though, and we really make each toher happy.
  3. I know it sounds extreme, but we are totally in love. I was his student when i was matriculating at yr 12 (3 years ago) and we kept in touch. We have fallen in love but i am so afraid of what my family would do when they find out about us. I don't know how to tell them, or how to handle the situation. I think that in an ideal world love should conquer all and age shouldn't matter any more than race or sex but in society it seems to. What should i do? any advice people?
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