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Everything posted by stillbelieving

  1. Hey everyone! So its been exactly 1 year since my ex broke up with me. I was near suicidal...I swear nothing felt like it could be more depressing than losing him. It's so stupid but there was a time I actually prayed to just die...that's all I wanted, was to die because I knew my ex would not come back. 6 months ago & up to now....my ex still msgs tryna get back. If u read my story you'll know why I don't wanna get back with him. This site helped me so much & I thank each & every single one of u that gave me advice...it meant the world to me knowing that ppl cared to help me. I found such a great friend in Brokenheart99, u seriously got me through some VERY dark days & I'm so thankful to you...glad to have u as my friend All I want to say to anyone going through a breakup now is...hold on, hang in there...there's always hope. Let life take its course...please don't stay home in depression. Go out, get dressed, upgrade your look & be the best version of yourself that you can. When my ex broke up with me I stayed home in misery thinking that if I went out he'd assume I don't care about him. Well if ur ex broke up with u he's not being caring toward u so you should do whatever u want. Meet new people, look hot...just feel good about yourself. Thankyou Ena & everyone who helped me. Sending lotsa love & hugs to anyone going through a rough time right now....pray & hold on...everything will get better. I promise.
  2. 1. My sister & her husband : Not sure how long they were together for def over a year. My parents were dead against them being together (long story). Dad even threatened to kill my bro-in-law (lol it was serious tho). So he left my sister & told her he loves her but he just can't. They had Nc for over a year. Until he called & asked her to supper. The next thing my parents saw how much they loved eachother & accepted. They're married for 7 years now with 2 kids 2. My friend's bro & his fiance were broken up for a year & half & got back together & got engaged 3. My friend broke up with her bf cos she said he wasn't treating her right, took advantage etc... He begged & apolgized & she said this just annoyed her so much. Until one day he stopped & she started to miss him & now they're together again There are lots of others that I know of but I have no idea what the stories are behind them so can't really post. I believe whatever's meant to be will be. Please can u guys help me...not sure how enotalone works but posted my thread on the "breaking up" forum its titled "Really feel like ex & I are meant to be, he doesn't" please help someone thankyouu.
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