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  1. actually there is a gay youth group and he's been to it a few times. I think it's really helping him. also, i think the reason hes so upset is his boyfriend just broke up with him. so added with all of the people who are being inconsiderate a holes and this, it's really hard for him. i just wish i could make my friends see that they're wrong...but i dont think thats going to happen anytime soon...*sigh* anyhow, thanks again for replying. P.S. i was so glad the other day tho!!! he finally told his dad that he was gay and his dad gave him a hug (the first one in a few yrs, or so he says) and told him he was proud of him and that he'd always love him.
  2. Thanks for replying. This is really hard for me because I kno hes sensitive about being gay in the first place and when they do this he tries to act like it doesnt bother him but i can tell it hurts him. He used to be friends with them, too. I just don't kno what to do sometimes He's become so depressed lately
  3. Well it's like this. One of my friends is gay and he told me this about 2 yrs ago. We've known each other for about 3 or 4 years and I have no problem with it. He's a great person, in fact he's one of my best friends. I'm mormon but I'm not a "practicing" mormon, I don't go to church and there are a lot of things that i dont believe about my religion..but thats beside the point. I have mormon friends and I love them too but they recently found out that my friend is gay and now they're being very rude to him. (The LDS church believes homosexuality is a sin). They dont talk to him anymore, and when he's not around they say really hurtful things. They also think I shouldn't be friends with him anymore. This REALLY REALLY pisses me off. The other day one girl told me he's on the path to hell and if i dont stop hanging out with him I'll just be going with him. I said some not so nice things to her, which im feeling guilty about, but im still really angry. They don't have any idea about him, they just automatically think he's a bad person. Does anybody know what I should do?
  4. Hi. I was just wondering what are some things guys will do if they like you? Like, what kind of body language will they use, how will they act around you, how will they talk to you, etc? Also, if a guy is shy will he do the same things? I'm really shy and when I like a guy I usually don't make it obvious that I like him, but I still do things like watch him when he isnt looking, and dont realize I'm doing it until later. Do shy guys do the same thing? If anybody has any comments, I'd like to hear them. Thanks for reading my post!
  5. Thanks everybody! You all helped me out a lot. I'll try and start being more social with people. Again, thanks!
  6. Hi. Well, first I'm REALLY REALLY shy. Plus I don't have a lot of self-esteem, which doesn't help my shyness either. Actually it's probably the main reason for it. I'm not exactly one of the hot, popular girls in school. I think I've gotten better about my self-esteem though because I'll admit I'm not a monster or anything either, but I still just can't see myself as good looking. My friends all try to tell me different, but I just don't see it. Basically I have a problem with my image because I'm not skinny. And I'm not one of those people who want to be tooth picks. Anyways. I think it's because of this this that I'm so shy. I'm not a loner, though. I have a lot of friends, but they're all, literally, girls. I think I've got maybe two guy friends. And they're like friends of my other friends. The only guy that I can really talk to is my cousin. So..I guess you could say I'm a loner when it comes to guys. But it's not that I don't want guy friends, I just can't seem to get comfortable enough around them to actually start or have a friendship with them. And that's just guys I'm not attracted to. If I actually LIKE a guy I'm lucky to get "Hi." out. I swear my brain decides to turn off around guys, and if I like a guy it completely walks out. So I'm left standing there looking like more of an idiot than usual. That's if I actually get up the nerve to actually say somethin to him. But I usually just ignore a guy if I like him because I dont know what to DO! Well, I know I should at least start off by saying SOMETHING but it just doesn't work. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's so frustrating sometimes. Anyways, that's how shy I am, and sometimes it's worse than that. It's hopeless. Like, I like this guy in one of my classes. It's strange, I don't like tons of guys, and when I do they're usually not all popular and everything. He's actually kind of a nerd, but I think he's cute. Buuut of course, me being me, nobody knows this. Not even my friends know. Well...my best friend sort of knows. And my friend on the internet knows...but thats different, I've never met the people on the internet, so..it's weird. Anyways. Practically nobody knows about him and he definitely doesnt know anything. I wish I could at least TALK to him, but ya..I'm an idiot. Can't even get hi out. So I'm like...trying to discreetly watch him. Sad really... Anyhow. Just thought I'd say somethin about my shyness...it seems pretty bad to me. I don't know if I'll ever get over it. Sorry for making whoevers read this read a whole novel. Feel free to comment on it. Thanks :silly:
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