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Posts posted by KayM05

  1. iight....i feeel liek i dont wanna live n e more...like da world doesnt want me..im sooo upset n sad n e more like all ill do is lay in my bed n cry for no reason n yes ive tired to kill myself a few times but was to scared to go all da way...ive cut my arms up pretty bad but ive stoped but its hard i feel tat times all i wanna do is die..im tired of livin n e more n its scary me alot its likes eatin me up inside....plz can sumone talk to me bout dis or does n e one else feel dis way?¿?¿

  2. eww...ok tats alil sux...im 14 1/2 n i went out wit an 19 yr old n ppl told me tat was wrong so i dumped him n were still friends but come on 18 n 40 tats just plan wrong...u have ur whole life ahead of u..n hes like rlly old n can die n e day now lol noo but u get it..i think u should rlly think bout dis n maybe ull smarten up n find a nice guy whos around ur age....

  3. OK...i met dis kid by my best friend n hes kinda hot but hes sooo sweet but i think hes pushin things rlly hard...like he tried to kiss me a few times n stuff like tat but he has a gf n hes kinda old n he asked my friend to ask me out for him but i said i dont know i rlly dont think i should go out wit him cuz of his age diff but hey age is nuttin but a # right...but one nite he was talkin bout sex n tats wat rlly scared me but its not like i havent done n e thing wit a guy i have but i rlly dont think im ready to do it wit a 21 yr old plzz sumone talk to me or help me i dont know who else to talk to

  4. OMG,yes i know how u feel...but im only 14 n i lost my father when i was 8...its soo hard n i miss him so much i was wit my dad when he died too...my father was my hero...i loved him soo much n now tat hes gone i dont know wat to do sometimes i wanna kill myself my life isnt da same witout him i just keep seein his face n hearin him when i close my eyes sometimes ill lay in bed n cry cuz i want him back soooooo bad........but life will get betta n ur father would want u to be happy n move on but i know its hard as well

  5. ok...theres dis guy tat i met n hes really cute but hes alil older then me..ok im 14 1/2 and hes 17 n he likes me n evathing but he has a gf but he wants to have sex wit me soo bad but i dont know if im ready for it i mean yea i like him alot but still n he doesnt wanna wear a condom tat scares me even more...hes like ull love it just plz..and i dont nkow wat to do CAN SUMONE PLZ HELP ME!!

  6. iight listen..dont think tat way...there is someone out there tat will miss u trust me...ur parents will...they have to love u n dis guy well i dont know him but stilll dont worry bout him there was alot of guys i liked n i wanted them so bad but i didnt get them so just get it low n go on wit ur life n things will get betta cuz there were times i wanted to kill myself n i tired n i almost did died n it was soo scary so hang in there n evathing will be ok....


  7. ok from wat i see is somewat shes usin u to make u do things she wants u to do...just be the way u said she always gets mad at me when u dont do things she saids...tat aint right if she was a true friend she would understand but she doesnt..she doesnt understand tat u have otha friends n u have otha plans n u dont always gotta be wit her or be on her back 24-7...stand up for urself....ull see shes not a true friend.!~!~!!

  8. Hi everone.

    my name is kayla and im 14 yrs old.The last 7 yrs have been hell for me cuz my father died. and i miss him soo much i feel tat witout him in life i shouldnt be here...its soo hard..hes like the only person i loved soo much...and now hes gone i feel tat evatime..eva min. i wanna kill myself i dont wanna live no more...and now my mom got remarried to dis guy.and i dont like him tat much i mean hes nice n evathing but i dont want sumone else takin his place..someone plz help mee im sooo lostt witout him!!!!

  9. OK....me and dis kid were going out for 5 months now..and things were going great.Well me n my best friend got in a fight n i really wanted to talk to him but he was sick n told me hed talk to me 2morrow so i got mad n told him i dont know if i want a bf right now but i didnt mean it but da next day he broke up wit me..i miss him liek crazyy n im tryin to move on but da thing i dont get is tat theres days hell call me or talk to me tellin me he wants me back but then theres days tat he hates me n he doesnt wanna talk to me..plzzz help me im sooo lost.!!!

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