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Everything posted by pintsizedpain

  1. I whole heartly agree with Raggamuffin on your dilemma with your ex's "Drama Diva".. if you will... she only fits over you because she's jealous.. you have something she doesn't have.. if it's attention..or you simply have smaller ankles then she does.. whatever the matter is...she's gotta do something to get the attention back on her.. Don't give in because of her demands upon your ex's family.. they are your family too..Keep her flaming mad.. chances are she'll make a fool out of herself even worse then she already has.. it most definantly seems as if his family is in agreement with you about her as it is.. Just stay cool and ride this one out.. it won't last long.. and chances are.. not that I like making assumptions... but the picture your ex has painted for everyone portraying her as his "one true love" ? Chances are he's probably just a very fine painter if you catch my metaphor. -JM
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