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Everything posted by apex

  1. i know i left my post too open.. but you couldn't have been more wrong! so wrong it's frustrating! i unitentionally do none of the things you listed. i took it slow, but not too slow. i did everthing right, i know i did. but i'm still baffled. all well. i'm already over it and in a good mood. i realized what i gained from this relationship. resolve.
  2. i've been with 12 girls and im 22. i felt like it's a small number until i typed it out. i really always have the feeling that i'm the one blowing it all the time. i get that infatuation from them for a few weeks to a month, and then it's like they lose interest.
  3. i'm a "nice guy", i'm sexually adequate, attractive, smart, very funny. but every relationship i have lasts a few months at most.. what is it about my personality that gets me played? my girl just left me last weekend. this time it wasnt her that bothered me. i actually feel sorry for her. she's a very stupid insecure girl (i'm not just being mean cause im petty, it's the truth). the guy she left me for, is gonna use her right up. but then again.. maybe she has it coming the fact that my love life is going nowhere is what bothers me.
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