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Posts posted by Stingseed

  1. That is great advice for you malphas.


    I too let me girl go after she said she was confused and need time to think and yes she cheated on me. But letting her go is the best thing I can do. And in your case you should too. I know it is not exactly the same situation, but it still remains the same if you let her go it would be best.

  2. Hello

    That's the best thing you can do get out of the house. Do thing to keep your mind of her. I too am going through the same thing. Girls tells me she cheated on me and then breaks it off. She is still seeing this guy but calls me to tell me she loves me still and is confused. At first it was very hard but Like I mentioned going out for no reason and doing things you always wanted to do is very good for you right now. One thing that might helped me out was a camping trip. Maybe something like this or a vactation would help. Also I did take my cell phone with and noticed she kept calling me might have been a bad idea on my par.(which you guessed I am giving her the no-contact treatment not answering her calls ) this no contact might be something you need to do to heal yourself. Please let me know if this helps?

  3. Hmmmm


    you do have a point. I love this girl and don't want to lose her but you have a point. Come to think of it the crazy thing is we all might have someone chasing us and we are to busy to notice. Like me I have lots of females wanting to see me and know where I live and they come see me,but I never ever notice some of them or let it get to a point where I lead them on. cause I love my ex.


    Nevertheless You have huge point there

  4. the thing she has called me everyday after day 2 f my no-contact. I dont know what she wants to say to me. The funny thing is she iis not leaving any messages. I think if she had something to say then for goodness sakes leave a message.


    As for what will I say. I would keep it short and not try not to bring up anything about the relationship. let her do the talking about the relationship and hurry and say I am heading out I have to go. what are your suggetions on what to say. one more thing about the letter you are right I should not send it.

  5. I too dream about my ex which is very unconfortable. Even though I am in my first week of no-contact I try to keep my mind off her. I agree we are not keeping ourselves busy enough. My problem is my ex keeps calling me which makes it harder and yes she is seeing someone. But I must say that it is great that there are people like you guys out there going throught the same. Lets stay strong....

  6. She just called again. I am proud to admit I did not answer again, but this is getting to hard for me. AHHHH


    I am wondering if she is trying to tell me something. Because remember the last time we talked was sunday night early monday morning. and we dicussed trying to back with each other. At that point she let me know that she has been trying to get back and that she will continue to try. I know she still loves me and she is not serious with this guy. So it leads me to wonder that 10 more days is going to kill me, and that maybe she is realizing quicker than expected. I need so much help.

  7. I sure hope that the no-cnotact rule works, and yes would get back with my ex, but first like michael and other says I first have to love and respect my self first then the if the person loves me and wants me back then it will happen. I dont know how this will happen or know what are the signs of it happening. but I tryinig to prepare for the worse.. Please reply michael and friends




  8. Seeing my cell phone ring and light up listening to her special tone I profiled for her number is just killing me and no matter where I am at or what I am doing cooking, exercising, cleaning. Even outside my door talking to a nieghbor who I told that I broke up with my girl (yes she is beautiful and is in to me) I can hear that tone anywhere leave the girl outside and feel like running to answer it. well you guessed it she just called again 5 minutes ago.




    Thanks guys I know you can hear me......please reply

  9. Hey Michael and all else you read this forum


    This no-contact is really getting hard really fast guys. Questions are going inot my head wheather or not to call her and see if she is getting serious with this guy or not. If she thinks that I have forgotten about her or dont want her back, even though she must know I love her. When to know she is ready to come back is another question. please reply

  10. Emma I agree. I have not broken the no-contact rule yet it is going 4 days now. And yes the first thing I wil tell her when I do break the no-contact in time is what you said about not being fooled, and cant keep going this way, and if that is going to continue then I will move on. but I do fell she loves me but Like I said I forgave her and that gave her a ticket to disrespect me and abuse me. thereforeeee I will try to play my cards right with your guys help and continue the no-contact rule so she can see what she is losing if she don't change her ways. but understand I do want her back . I love her but I must let her come back to me. Guys you are a great help if it wern't for the honesty of you guys and reading of these forums I would still be going the downward spiral.


    I still need you guys. by the way she called me about 30 minutes ago and I am happy to say i did not answer...should I write her the letter now or wait?


    reply please

  11. Well from a guys point of view.


    Most of us are dogs but there is still that few that are her posting our hearts out. We really care for our women and are even bending over backwards for them. Don't get me wrong I am not taking what you said the wrong way, but simply just explaining that some men are dogs, some women dog there men.


    As a result men are scared of commitment because they want to make sure that there girl is the one, and another reason is they want to make sure they love this girl enough to understand her, be there for her in good or bad, and finally resist temptation when presented and not cheat on her ( that's the big one).

  12. the guys she is with now she meet 4 months prior to her admitting she cheated on me having sex with him for the first time. She hates herself for it and thereforeeee she broke it off with me cause she said it's not fair what she did to me. and then she started to tell me she still loves me and that i will not lose her. Still it really bites that she did this behind my back, but i respect her for admitting to me she had sex with him and thereforeeee broke it off with me. Well I say at least she did not continue to have sex with him behind my back and broke it off with me. That I respect her for.

  13. BOOYAH MIke! you are right she will not get over me that quick. I am slowly realizing that. I should concentrate more on the stuff I use to do like car club racing, playing sports in a league and what not. but something interesting is happening as of late. I am on my third day of not contact and it is getting harder. Like I posted before I have tried the no contact rule before about 2 weeks ago but falied after 2 days, and as a result again i started the nagging., but she always came back. but here is what is happening she has not called me either. Which is scaring me now. The last time we spoke the conversation was about trying to get back together in which she said see will try.


    Michael I know we are on the same boat ,but did your girl cheat on you with someone they met 3 months prior to ending your relationship, and when she admitted it she broke it off with me, but felt horrible about it.


    what do you think guys?

  14. Hello Michael


    I sort a know what you must feel like I see your post and I see where I will be in about 2 or 3 more months from now of no-contact and false front of not caring it is if I am looking into the future of what I will be going through. I know you have replied on my posts but dude we are the same boat.


    Athena has some strong words there and Michael you should agree with what she said about the psalm 27:14....

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