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Posts posted by Stingseed

  1. You say she is calling you to hang out then say no i am busy next time she offers. Do this and she will come back for more. Be strong and show her you are not her stepping stone. She is already regreting letting you go thats why she is calling. Dont pick up everytime she calls and when you do decide to pick up say your busy and dont explain with what or whom


    hope this helps

  2. All guys....


    Well I must I am on the same boat. My ex cheated on me and then broke with me 2 months ago. She never stopped calling me after the break up. I begged yeah pleaded yeah, but I got smart thanks to people here. I must tell you dont take all his calls. Always act busy keep convo down to 10 minutes max. As for I started on the third week and now 2 months later she is still calling me. Do I take all her calls no i do not. She like your Male ex needs time away they need to see what it is without you and thereforeeee remember all the good things you guys had together. Dont be his doormat.


    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi there


    Just wanna give my 2 cents in. I remember you saying you guys were together 5 years? Well must say that is way more than what me and my ex spent together. 2 months we broke up and she still is calling me and she was or is seeing someone else. From what I have learned they will not forget in a long while. You have to gain your self esteem back, and go have some fun meet someone. So when she calls back you will be that person that she was not expecting, then thats where you turn it on her and make her think. Like someone said earlier dont be her doormat. she will come back Trust me

  4. Some great posts in here. I am in my third week of very minimal contact. Only reasoni talk to her is that after about 3 days of no contact she has basically called every other day. I must say no contact has help me out tremendously. We all have to heal and lete the ex know first we don't need them in out livevs to make us happ and second that if they really want us they have to come get us. We loved our ex's and then they dump or cheat on us. We here are not toys to be played with and thereforeeee we have to show them confidence and show them we have self-esteem. Only then will they realize that they lost someone who really loves them

  5. she said she is going to let me know what she meant with the voicemail she left me. I am trying not to freak out about it.. She just did not seem to talkative about us.. And I think she as a probelm understanding what I said about That I cannot talk to her for now because I am trying to move on and need time alone to get on my feet, and unless she has something to talk abou tus then to please respect that.


    guys please reply

  6. She has not called yet.....


    I have such an urge to call to see what she is trying to tell me, but not going to. I am acting like this Vm never happened. If she is really trying to tell me something then she will call again. Only some things concern me. What if this is a way to tell me something and by me not responded then she takes it like I am not interested in her anymore.


    What to do?

  7. Well If anyone the song by Mariah Carey "without you" my ex left in my Voicemail. Now I have been in a "sorta no contact form" for about 2 and half weeks. Now I am going to maintain my cool and not call her, but I am thinking of taking her next call to see what she has to say. If anyone has some suggestions feel free to share them with me.


    As some of you know I let my ex know that I need time to heal and if she wants to talk about us to feel free to do so, and other than that I need time to move on. Looks like it's working and I am in the drivers seat. But again I don't know what her plan is with this song.

  8. i know what you mean I am not to hard on myself when I broke no contact once. I am continuing no caontact and it seems to be working. I am feeling better for myself and also she is still calling me. I am not answer but I left her a Vm Sat to let her know exactly where I stand. It is still hard for me but I am getting better at feeling the need to hear her voice. I am healing which is the best part, and I am prepareing my self for when I do decide to break no contact (when ever that my be) to be emotionally strong to take the blow of that perhaps she has moved on.


    What you guy think?

  9. So what your saying is that if after time has passed and you still feel that you would not like to give up on your ex then chase them? i have some questions on that.


    What if you being the dumpee has not received a call in the time of no contact. but you have the feeling that your ex still wants you in a way and knowing your ex is stubborn or to proud of themselves to call you. Should you try then?


    Or what if your ex calls you for emotional support cause you she still feels you that way ( knowing the person well ). But you still not give it to them for you are in no contact phase. but then you remember the vm message she left in the time during the no contact phase about needing you or need your advise in something (you know how it goes) . but now that you feel that you want the person back you should try those tactics?


    quote me if not understood

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