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Everything posted by siddy117

  1. Well i haven't talked to her since two days after i wrote the previous message, but now she keeps calling me. saying that she misses me and misses talking and hanging out with me. i first was screening her calls and she kept leaving me messages, so i decided to answer one day. i told her that she can't keep doing this to me and that until she can figure out what she wants, just let us be the way we are right now, then i got off the phone. after that conversation she has called me a numerous amount of times. what do i do??
  2. Ok, so here's the deal me and my girlfriend, well now ex girlfriend were together for three years. and yeah there were little fights here and there but nothing major, just what most couples go through. i did everything i could to make things work in terms of the fights. we both new we loved each other, we even had a plan of getting married. on our three year anniversary, i had the flu and it was her managers birthday so they all went out. there was a kid there who thought she was hot and started to talk to her. when i got better, she asked me if it was ok if she hangs out with this kid, and trusting her fully i said "yeah sure". but it got to the point where she was hanging out with him more than she would with me, so the day after new years she tells me, we need a "break" and immediately starts going out with this kid. It sucks because i gave it my all and showed her every ounce of love and care that i had. now i find out from her friends that she's going on a cruise with him and he asked her to move in with him...ITS ONLY BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE THEY'VE BEEN TOGETHER! i dont know what to do. i need her back because she is my heart and soul. i tried not talking to her but didn't work because i would end up calling her. but i haven't for three days and she doesn't seem phased by it. PLEASE HELP ME. HOW CAN I GET HER BACK? Do i wait and date other girls, or do i keep trying?
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