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Posts posted by themysteriousone

  1. if you have seen my other topics you'll know that i love this girl(not putting her name for obvious reasons) she knows how i feel, she has a boyfriend at the mo and wants us just to be "the best of friends". i know she cares for me as a best friend, and when we was in year 6(we are in year 10 now) she liked me more than that. i would like to know if anyone thinks that if she breaks up with her boyfriend, that we could go out? any and all thoughts are welcome.

  2. we used to be friends in year six. we lost contact when we went to different secondary schools. and after seeing her in town a few times when i wasnt with anyone we exchanged mobile numbers. i thought it was some kind of fate that brung us back together so i told her how i feel and asked her out. but she sed she just wanted to stay single. so what should i think? PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ HELP ME!!

  3. hi im new here. but thats not important. i only see this girl every second saturday coz shes busy alot. i told her how i feel but she sed that she doesnt want a boyfriend at the mo. whenever i suggest going sumwhere she always tells me she has sumthing else to do. she tells me that she doesnt want me to think shes avoiding me but what should i think? that she is avoiding me? or that shes trying to tell me that she does like me the same way i like her but she feels she doesnt have time to have a boyfriend???? i am grateful of all help

  4. hi im new here. but thats not important. i just had to say i know exactly how u feel coz its the same for me with this girl. i only see her every second saturday coz shes busy alot. i told her how i feel but she sed that she doesnt want a boyfriend at the mo. whenever i suggest going sumwhere she always tells me she has sumthing else to do. she tells me that she doesnt want me to think shes avoiding me but what should i think? that she is avoiding me? or that shes trying to tell me that she does like me the same way i like her but she feels she doesnt have time to have a boyfriend????

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