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Posts posted by themysteriousone

  1. this really good looking girl came into the toilets while i was in there. and she practically raped me. and the funny thing is that it was a girl in my year at skool(i have one class with her) and she doesnt remember any of it.

  2. i also want to know. because the girl i like(those who saw my topic will know) i think is really great and i dont want to be "just friends" with her. we have a good friendship but i cant help the way i feel about her. she said the other day she loves me as a friend and i hope it means that its not far off loving me in a bf/gf way rather than just being in the "friend zone".

  3. well i was looking for someone to proove me wrong and tell me how there is a good chance she may have changed her mind on the "us being just friends". and the reason i said bout that she is a little bit of a flirty girl is coz thats kind of why im unsure how she feels. coz shes a bit diffrent wiv me as IM the only one she cant get mad at and from what i know shes only asked ME if im proud of her.

  4. now i dont mean for this to sound sexist which i do know it probly seems but i thought that girls dont change their mind about stuff like this and when girls see a guy as a friend they always will? and i dont think she knows. sometimes we do "weak flirting" and i think she just thinks im only joking about. and shes just naturally a sort of a "flirty girl".

  5. the girl im in love with, has a great personality. she's fun, doesnt care what anyone else thinks and has alot of confidence. i admit that i think(and i dont mean this in the way it might sound but) shes not very attractive. but for me knowing that i think that helps me see that why im in love with her isnt based on looks.

  6. first, i hope this is the right place to put this. well basically i've been friends with this girl for awhile now. she used to go out with my best friend at skool. i dont think that matters. a few months ago i told her how i felt and she just wanted to stay friends so we did. last time i saw her(i see her once a week at fencing) one of our friends there was saying would she go out with me and she sed no. he was trying to find out who she would or is goin out with. when i spoke on msn with her the yesterday after she told me how her dance exam went, the rest of the conversation was her saying that she thinks i should try to do some kind of dancing, she could easily teach me and i'd be gr8 after a little while etc. she sed she was quite serious. so wot do u think this means?

  7. well being friends is better than nothing. when i was in your situation, i told her how i felt and i havent had any contact with her since. and that was 4 months ago. and i also now like a different girl who im friends wiv and once agen i told her how i felt but we're still good friends and its like i never told her(as in it didnt create any awkwardness like with the first girl).i wish you good luck with this new girl

  8. ^^like he sed just ask her out. you maybe worried bout wot if she says know(ive been there so i know) but once you have asked her you'll kno wot the answer is, if u never ask her then you'll be spending too much time thinking about what the answer would be and all types of what ifs. and i especially know how hard it is for you when shes a "good friend" as sometimes the girl just wants to be "good friends"(in my case she thinks of me as a true friend yeh like that makes me feel better ) and nothing more

  9. i agree with this. and my friend recently had a kind of "love at first sight" experience. hes a grunger type guy. and he saw a girl in our class (we're all yr 11) dressed as a skater chick and fell in love with her and now they're going out. i said kind of love at first sight because they have known each other and been friends for 8 years and only seen each other in skool. so for him seein her in her skater gear made him really think about her and fall in love.

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