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  1. Hi, guys! I just wanted to share with you the way I dealt with NC! I'm no relationship expert! But when you are going through NC for the first time, the first three days are always the hardest! For me, once i got through the first three days, I had no temptation to contact the ex after that. It was still hard as hell, but i knew that by the fourth day i would be a lot better. And I just keep telling my self to get through the 3 days and it will be okay, it was like convincing myself to believe and also looking forward to that 4th day where I will wake up and feel better! I read somewhere that 3 days is how long the brain takes to adjust to something new. Don't remember where or even if its true, but it seemed true for me. It might take longer for some, it might be quicker for others. I hope i made sense and was helpful
  2. He keeps breaking contact by texting, not in a good way i don't think. He just texts to tell me random things about whats happening in his life, this morning i woke up to a text from him about something i really did not want to know, it's so frustrating trying to figure out what is going through his head. After replying him with a few short texts, i just stopped. He is confusing me and I just need time apart for a while. Back to day 0!
  3. DAY 1. I don't understand how to not be a part of someone life who you care so much for. I just want to be the one who makes him happy!
  4. Oh I wish, but the party is for my best friend's birthday. She asked me if it was okay to invite him and I didn't want to say no because he really is good guy and was always such a great friend to her. So I said okay. I'm having doubts he will be there though. Day 12. Literally just woke up and logged in to post this haha. Day off from uni, all I have panned is study ! Major assessment tomorrow!
  5. I love this idea!! Day 11!! Felt okay, until I found out he might be at a party i'm going to this weekend, which also happens to be the same day as his birthday. Freaking out already.
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