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Posts posted by EnolWolf

  1. Yep, you're absolutely right! The things people will do or even say gets pretty ridiculous when it comes to "love." "Love" also tends to be an excuse for the craziest things like staying in an abusive relationship, doing things you don't really want to do, and even pretending to be someone you're not. It's the best judgement clouder known to mankind. I've been there and back a few times, and it's truly like a rollercoaster.

  2. For those of you who have kept up with this past saga of my life, you know what happened between her and I and also how my feelings were.


    Well, she emailed me today. It was a long thing about how breaking up was a mistake and that she could see in my eyes that I didn't want to. That last comment was very strange indeed...


    Anyway, I made it clear that I don't want to be with anyone for the rest of my life at the moment. Another relationship is far far far away from my mind. I'm only going to worry about me right now.


    I've only talked to her once or twice since we broke up. The last time was about 4 weeks ago. I simply dislike talking on the phone now, and never really feel like talking to anyone at all.


    I just want to concentrate in peace.


    Replies are more than welcomed!


    Thanks for reading!

  3. Well, I did it.


    I hoped for a peaceful resolution, but all she kept doing was calling me names like that was gonna go anywhere. I'm glad it's over. Now, I can give my life 100% concentration!


    The first thing I did driving down the highway was take a deep breathe, sighed, and smiled!


    I told her, through email, that I still appreciate her as a human being, and that she can still call if she wants, but I'll be very busy for the next 8 months or so.


    Being in Japan was great because now exactly who I am and where I want to go!


    Take care everyone and ouch for that sexist comment!

  4. Well, in the beginning it seemed to be the determining factor of whether we were going to be together or not. She just kept thinking about the fact that I might possibly get back together with my ex just because of a child. It really did stress the whole thing out, but we got over it.


    But now, my current relationship will soon be my 2nd past one. (separate post)


    Strangely enough, it`s ending will be so similar to my last relationship nearly one year ago.

  5. I haven`t broken up with her yet as I have one more week of Japan to enjoy.


    I`m breaking up with her on my way home from the airport. I`m just going to tell her exactly what I feel. I have absolute zero tolerance for the type of action she displayed.


    I just can`t take being misunderstood and explaining myself for no good reason when it`s highly unnecessary. I also feel like there are just way too many people in this relationship. Reading those messages just destroyed all feelings I had left for her.


    I always thought of her as a young woman, but it turns out that she`s just a girl after all.

  6. Well, I`ve been with her for 9 months now and I can`t take any more of the immaturity. She gets her friends to send me messages cursing at me when I haven`t even done anything! I`ve been in Japan for 3 months.


    She`s mad at me because I don`t do the things she expects me to do like it`s some kind of obligation for me to answer to her. I`m no one`s puppet. I`m my own man.


    Her parents control her and now her friends. She never thinks or take actions for herself. It`s more like she doesn`t stand on her own 2 legs because she has so many people ``teaching her how to walk.``


    She sends me emails sounding like an almighty goddess laying down the law, and when I respond with anger she has the nerve to say ``Who do you think you are talking to me like that?``


    Is it right that SHE can be mad at me while I`m SUPPOSED to sit there and take it? I think not. I`m a human being, and I`ll feel my emotions all the way through.


    I`m sick of this, and I`m not being the misunderstood guy any longer. I`m only 19 and this sure isn`t worth it.


    My advice to everyone is that once you decide to break up and feel that you have no regrets or second guesses is to just go for it.


    Be direct and don`t sidestep anything.


    Life goes on.


    Thanks for reading!


    Replies are more than welcomed!

  7. I`ve been away from my girlfriend for about 3 months now living in Japan.


    I realized that I`m just not ready for a relationship right now. She`s a sweet person, but I have a lot to figure out and do in my own life before I commit to anyone. I`m going through many changes.


    We`ve been together for 9 months and had many ups and downs like any other relationship.


    I feel that I need to focus on my career and myself as I am only 19.


    Love can come later.


    Any opinions?

  8. Well, we talked everything out. I almost broke it off. (she called me back) She cried, fussed, insulted, told me she hates me, etc. (endless list)


    Somehow, she still wants to be with me. I don't understand.


    No need to worry though. Things are ok now. I'm not worried about tomorrow.


    Thanks for the advice!

  9. (Sigh) My relationship is SO tough. I don't plan on giving up because of that. It's because of my girlfriend. Everytime things are going just fine and couldn't be better, she brings up something from the past to make herself pissed at me, bringing my entire day crashing down.


    I love her and am willing to go through anything, but I think I'm reaching my limit. She's starting to make me sick! I feel like I wanna run away from her and never look back or even think about it!


    I've learned how hard it can be, but I can only take so much!


    Today she says that she doesn't wanna run the risk of my feelings for her getting confused again. Why the heck does she wanna protect herself from something that may never happen!? I'm not a fan of people who cheat themselves out of something in the present because of something that MIGHT happen in the future. There is no need to worry about things like that. LET'S FOCUS ON NOW! PLEASE! (sorry for shouting)


    (sigh) I'm getting fed up ladies and gentleman. I put so much into this and it keeps going in circles! I'm so frustrated right now! Why am I always the bad guy for no good reason?


    More effort can make it work, but what's the point if your parnter is AFRAID to continue?


    I DO love her, but at the moment she is just making me tired of "us."


    I appreciate any replies, advice, or comments.

    Thanks for reading!


    BTW, we've been together nearly 6 months.

  10. Well, I followed through with the advice by letting her take the leand and explaining to her that I would let ther do so.


    Things have been great. We've been really close in a booth at work and in a closet once again (both days over the past weekend.)


    On the first day, we were in the closet after the place had closed. I don't know how grapic I can be with posting, so the only thing I can say was that it felt good .


    She's gotten over feeling like a "dirty person" and lets me know that the only reason she does it is because she loves me and wants to give me pleasure. Things are looking up.


    Yesterday we had dry sex in the closet.


    That has to be the last time for that happening at work. It's not extremely comfortable and we've had many close calls. I must admit that I find things like that in, basically, public places exciting.


    Thanks for your advice and opinions everyone!

  11. I finished talking to my ex today. She was basically telling me about how she messed up and how much she wants to be in my current girlfriends place. None of that would ever change how I feel.


    We got on the subject of the supposed child. She didn't really say much. All she really said was that I couldn't help her.


    Then, she told me goodbye and wished me luck with schooling in Miami.


    I'm confused as to whether the issue had been resolved.


    Any opinions?


    Thanks for reading.

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