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  1. I need some advice from the community. Two married people of 23 years. Wife caught husband doing something behind her back in summer of 2002. Finally getting over that he broke my trust in him. In January 2004 bought a new computer, just to find out that he has been iming or in a chat room with this one girl for over a year and a half. He says it's just talking. He has her name in a buddy list just her name. He would meet her three times a week in the chat room. He was doing it from work and at times he would im her from our home. Pictures were exchanged and e-mail addresses. He says our wedding vows were not broken, and he didn't have an affair. As far as I'm concerened he did have an affair. On the computer you don't just have to have sex to have a affair. He said he didn't have sexor no dirty talk. He says it was not a affair. Everybody says yes it is. That lady new everything that went on in our lives. He should of been talking to his wife. He gets very upset when I bring up the subject. He says it wasn't a affair. I need advice. My heart says affair, broken vows, broken trust. Does he love me? and the girl's husband has no clue that she was talking to my husband either. So two people were in the dark. His claim on this is if I wasn't such a biotch of a wife I would of agrred to let him do that? What married woman would agree with letting her husband talk to some other woman? Please help! And if I didn't catch him he would still be doing it.
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