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  1. Because of it going bad again in a way, not like before, but just less feelings. So started to analayze why and in doing that we are both arguing about that incident. I don't feel quilty about it, but he blaims me and it makes me feel like I can't move on with him becuase I feel like he balims me for the past..
  2. Our relationship was horrible, a lot of fighting. So my desire to be with him (in bed) was not as much as usual. It lasted about 2 weeks and I guess he felt the urge to hit on my best friend. On the phone to her he explained she was hot and should come over. She was loyal and told me what happened. Of course I went nuts and told him I want to break up, but didnt tell him what drove me to that point, instead I explained it was the problems we already had. A few days later in my devastated state I met with an old friend for comforting nad one thing lead to another, and so I slept with him. A few days again after that we got back together, it was last year so I dont even remember how I ended up with him again, he was apologetic and of course I still had feelings for him. Now we're still together and are not as we used to be. The relationship has suffered a lot. When I slept with the other person was I cheating? I don't think I was because I did tell him I wanted to break up, but since I got back with him after it all happened..does that make me wrong too??
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