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Everything posted by tigress

  1. 00b: Hello, Mr. dan, i believe that everything is possible, is she married, does she have a boyfriend? Have you asked her out? WHY IS THERE NO CHANCE OF A RELATIONSHIP WORKING OUT. You didn't explain the reason that makes this relationship unattainable. Has this happened to you before? Many of my guy friends, chose the "wrong" "type" of women to date?, then are sadly disappointed when they are rejected. Sometimes the only way to forget someone special in your heart, is by meeting someone new. That is the only way, us true romantics can really, truly find new, attainable, love. Tigress
  2. well, this is like a chain reaction. i got hot, from you being so sweet and honest to michelle's little problem, "open up michelle, listen to nike ads, that's my advice. i only have sex (can i call it that) over the internet because my boyfriend, lives in europe, consider yourself lucky a warm body is there to respond to your love, your glances, your touches". Any other sensual spots B ? i'd like to know other spots where a man likes to be licked, bit, sucked, stroked, touched besides the cock/ balls venue ? Tigress
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