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  1. Except what if you have tried that to no avail? I stayed fairly close to my ex for two months after our breakup--a period in time during which she admitted she was still in love with me. Then I tried to have a reconciliation conversation at around the 6 week mark, got some positive but some negative response, only to get a total shutdown by surprise two weeks later. Then we went into low contact mode until I restarted contact, visited her, hung out and had fun, only for her to tell me that her feelings had gone, that she didn't love me anymore, had chosen "not me" when she broke up, that she knew what she wanted and it was something different, someone more emotionally "solid," etc. Also, staying close to her during those two months didn't stop her from having a rebound hookup which she admitted to me was "a rebound," and that she ended it because he wasn't me. And all that didn't bring her back... What choice do I have now but to just move on and maybe try and reconnect in a year or two like most of the stories in the 126 page "Getting Back Together Really Does Happen!" thread?
  2. This has been the first full day of No Contact. After two months of clinging to a hope that I would visit her in January, and everything would change by being there in person, and getting a lot of mixed messages from her indicating that she was reconsidering our breakup, everything changed yesterday. She sent me a not saying that she didn't want me to wait for her, that she has moved on, and that she doesn't want to get back together, although I would always be welcome to visit her as a friend, and that she would be there when I was ready to be friends. I replied that I couldn't be friends with her, because it's not at all what I want. Right now I am still in love, and I think a part of me always will be. I don't understand, there are a lot of unanswered questions, but I am accepting that I won't really get the answers I am looking for. I have done a lot of growing during our break up, and I am in a much better place than after my last relationship ended--though I love this girl even more--but that growing was still done with the hope of reconciling with her in January. That hope is gone, and so I need to grow for myself, and myself alone. I'm not sure if I will ever contact her again, which is a tough thought, given that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I removed her from my Facebook and deleted all pictures form the entire seven months that we were together, because they are just too painful to look at. Onward to day 2.
  3. This has been the first full day of No Contact. After two months of clinging to a hope that I would visit her in January, and everything would change by being there in person, and getting a lot of mixed messages from her indicating that she was reconsidering our breakup, everything changed yesterday. She sent me a not saying that she didn't want me to wait for her, that she has moved on, and that she doesn't want to get back together, although I would always be welcome to visit her as a friend, and that she would be there when I was ready to be friends. I replied that I couldn't be friends with her, because it's not at all what I want. Right now I am still in love, and I think a part of me always will be. I don't understand, there are a lot of unanswered questions, but I am accepting that I won't really get the answers I am looking for. I have done a lot of growing during our break up, and I am in a much better place than after my last relationship ended--though I love this girl even more--but that growing was still done with the hope of reconciling with her in January. That hope is gone, and so I need to grow for myself, and myself alone. I'm not sure if I will ever contact her again, which is a tough thought, given that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I removed her from my Facebook and deleted all pictures form the entire seven months that we were together, because they are just too painful to look at. Onward to day 2.
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