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  1. I need some feed back please.. I broke up with my GF ,, of 1.5 ys. I had some real things I had to work out, and just couldn't do it in the relationship, or so I thought at the time…Well as things started to go better, I really felt, I messed up leavening her. I missed her…I tried to get her back and she was heart and did not want to get back…. So after much pain and sleepless nights, I finally got , into my head not to contact her anymore. Even thought she still wanted to stay in contact, it was to hard…. I tried to tell her not to call me and could not just come out and say it at first, I felt week for not being able to maintain a friend ship, she wasn't having any problems,( why should I) just being friend and really liked me calling her, I think to get her conf back, or it really helped… The thing is, it has been 2ys sins and she has had 2or3 boyfriends and I have had one GF But every time it doesn't work out with whom she is seeing she starts calling me. It just kills me, I try to play it cool and just listen to her. Well she met a new boy friend and I haven't herd from her in about 1y or so and, just when its all going really good,for me. I still think of her but in a healthy way, until, she calls me. I love this G and would love to try again. I thought, it's been long enough time past and I can do this, just be friends. She keeps saying you have my number right, you can call me any time, Lets go out and do something, you need to come over and see my new house and on, She gives me all kinds of signs that she want to be around me and see me, but never in a very direct way. This has happened a few time s and when I do call and hang out with here then i tell here I still have fellings for her and she just says I don,t know.... I don't know if she is just feeling down or really wants me back in her life, for friends ,and then maybe more…. None of this would really matter except I just really still love her and don't want to get played. She has lots of guys asking her out all the time. Man I just don't know how to play this one. If she is just being friendly and that's is fine, but it seems like more than that or am I just reading into it????? If I try to move on it ,she pulls back, I am just what see describes, when she talks about who she is looking for???? But not??? She dose not deal with direct presser at all, I have tried in the past, lay it on the line and it always back fire's…How cool and uninterested should I bee????? Is there a way to fix this one????? I just don't know????? Michael…
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